I think we all agree that our mods do a fabulous job with the monthly challenges but, this month, they have kindly invited me to make a guest appearance.
The name of this month’s challenge comes from an old computer game and I thought it would make a fun theme. As far as I can recall, the game’s graphics looked a bit like this:
which will give you an idea of what I had in mind. I’m thinking bright, unexpected, even outrageous colour combinations. I confess, I tend to use colours that ‘blend’ so it’s quite a challenge for me to use clashing colours that I wouldn’t normally consider putting together. As a crocheter, I find Mary’s Chain Stitch Square offers a wonderful opportunity to "play" with colour, whilst using up all those little bits of yarn I can't bear to throw away!
….and, of course, there are our much loved and enormously appreciated Plain Janes, so raid your stash or go yarn shopping (tough I know, but someone has to do it!) for the most electric, neon-bright colours you can find: shocking pinks, sunny oranges, bright yellows, lime greens, eye-popping purples. The children love the brightest colours and I always think bright colours look warmer somehow.
As we look forward to summer in the northern hemisphere, they are preparing for another winter in South Africa. So, break out the sunglasses and let’s send a deluge of colour to our wonderful volunteers in South Africa.
Don’t forget to post photos of your work on this thread or in the photo gallery and add your squares to the Great Heights Challenge http://forum.knit-a-square.com/forum/topics/kas-reaches-great-heights-for-children as well as the 2014 Square Tally http://forum.knit-a-square.com/forum/topics/2014-tally-and-2014-squares-lists
I'm hugely grateful to Anne for setting up the Pinterest board here:
and a photo Album here: http://forum.knit-a-square.com/photo/albums/april-2014-challenge-colour-collision
Anne has also asked me to remind everyone to post their photos both here and in the photo gallery to make it easier for her to post them on the Pinterest board. Thanks.
Top left is Wendy's slip-stitch pattern in neon pink and neon yellow/green. Top right is mid purple with mustard/yellow acrylic mohair.
Bottom left is deep bright pink/bright blue and bottom right is same deep pink/apple green.
Wet and overcast today, so photographed inside and not all colours are true. :(
Thanks for hosting this challenge, Elaine. You did a fabulous job.
As usual I had soooo much yarn, so many plans....but unfortunately my output didn't match my ambition. :))
Crazy Colors. Fund to make!
Springtime Smiley. My last square for this challenge.
P.S. I'm going on vacation for the entire month of May but I'll be back to host the June challenge.
Everyone have a great May!!!
Thank you Elaine ! This has been a fun challenge with lots of wonderfully bright colours ! The children will enjoy exploring the squares.
Here are some hand-warmers where I think the colours collide. I have another 2 to add, but haven't transferred the photos yet. then that will probably be the last for the April challenge.
Here are 8 neon Plain Jane's, which make 30 squares for this month for me. I'm still trying to make it to a full blanket though, before May arrives!!
Also, one set of hand warmers in the center :)
It’s not quite the end of the month but can I just say a huge
to everyone who has contributed with such enthusiasm to this challenge. I’ve been thrilled (but certainly not surprised) by the extraordinary range of colours, creativity and patterns it has produced. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when some of these squares arrive in South Africa! Apart from the wonderful stash-busters (which, to me, embody everything that is KAS), we’ve had rainbows, ocean sunsets, an African day & night, honeycombs, lizards, bumblebees and wildflowers. For those with a sweet tooth, there’s been Easter egg candies, liquorice allsorts and fruit salad sweeties. Early in the month we had a paint factory explosion and a crayon collision, whilst another square ‘skidded-to-a-halt-before-it-hit’ (!). There was a spinning pinwheel and a bullseye and Lisa Marie’s square had us all hypnotised. All of these have a common thread – they’re all bright and cheerful and are a reminder of the sweet innocence of childhood. When this challenge was scheduled for April, I had in mind getting the squares to South Africa in time to brighten their winter but, increasingly, it became apparent that it was also the ideal challenge to ‘lift the spirits’ (to quote Andrea) of those of us still experiencing snow and rain in the northern hemisphere. I hope everyone who has contributed and cheered us along (thanks Barb) and, indeed, those who have just come to view the beautiful explosions of colour, have been inspired and exhilarated.
Next month’s challenge is Mellow Yellow which should, at least, be a little more restful on the eye…..
Thank YOU Elaine for facilitating a wonderful challenge! It was perfect for using up those odd bits and experimenting with some color combinations we haven't tried before LOL! It was awesome and you did a wonderful job!!
So, just saying thank you Elaine, in so many ways!!