Edited this month by Pam Antink
The Square Heart Award for April 2014 is for Maureen (Maudie) Anne Bryan
Tasmania Island - Australia
Maudie , seen here, promoting her book
Wool-Girl and the Balls of Wool
Maudie joined Knit-a-Square in November 2011 and has been a consistent and strong supporter of KAS and its aims of helping the vulnerable children of South Africa. Additionally, she encourages the rest of the membership with positive comments on the Photo tab.
The front cover of Maudie's book
Here are some of the characters featured in the book and other events!
As well as developing Wool-Girl, Yarn Boy and a host of other characters, Maudie does create squares and goodies to send to South Africa! Here is a selection :
You may also go to Maudie's Page and click 'View All' to see her complete body of work
Linda Maltby mentioned : Last year I met Maudie in Ottawa when she was visiting her son, daughter-in-law and darling granddaughter. I met Wool Girl and Yarn Boy in person ! She has a table at many fairs in Tasmania, has promoted her books to wool shop and bookstores [a few have taken the books to sell], and a number of other ways in order to sell the books to raise money for KAS.
Maudie also sends squares for a number of knitting groups in her area. She is very passionate about KAS.
Maudie with Linda & Dave Maltby
In 2012 Maudie shared her book with 20 children at the New Horizons pre-school. As you can see she has their rapt attention! They listened to the story, saw knitting in progress, a KasCuddle and met and held the wool friends. Each child had made at least one wool person and they held their doll while Maudie told the story!
Maudie has also put up her book on a few sites online as either a hard copy or e-book....she has taken the book to a good many schools in Tasmania and sat with the children while they made their own Wool-Girl and/or friend...and who can forget her Monday Moments that ran for about a year, with weekly tales of the adventures of W-G and friends.
Maudie champions the cause of KAS wherever she goes and received a lovely supply of wool from a local producer in Tasmania, which she has since made into squares for KAS.
To read the development story of Wool-Girl please visit Maudie's Forum Blog
Congratulations on achieving this award, Maudie! Very well deserved - what a lot you do for KAS! Thank you so very much for using your creative talents in this way.
Thank you Andrea and Heather. It is a two joy.
Congratulations, Maudie! All your hard work is appreciated and loved. :o)
Congratulations Maudie!!! So well deserved! Keep up the great work!
thank you Robin. I will.
Congratulations, Maudie, on this well-deserved award! You are an inspiration to all of us. Thanks for all you do.
Here is the latest Woo-Girl cousin. Her name is Lucy and she is exploring the Australian outback.
Whoo! Thank you everyone. I was just checking my emails and got a message of congratulations from Nicole Pickering on my profile. Thank you Nicole for alerting me. I am speechless as I am a long way yet from doing what I want to achieve for KAS.
It is a privilege to help the children in the capable hands of Rhonda and the Team Amazing.
Thank you everyone for your friendship. It is a good rap up whoever crafted the story!!
Yes Tasmania is an island but an island State with other islands off our shores which do take the name 'island' after their names - King Island, Flinders Island, Deal Island, Bruny Island Maria Island.
Linda and Dave is was so great to have two Kasers actually meet Wool-Girl and Yarn-Boy in person.
Let's knit!!