Well it's that time of year again, folks. So hard to believe it's less than three weeks until Christmas, when the cute, jolly man in the red suit spreads joy all over the world.
If, like me, you are stressing with last minute Christmas shopping, or perhaps you're trying to clear your knitting projects (and that 'small' mountain of yarn you've been hiding) from the spare room to give your visiting friends or rellies somewhere to lay their heads, then let's take a moment to chill and remember the FUN of the holiday season.
Why not share a Christmas song, a Christmas poem, a Christmas recipe, a story from a Christmas past, Christmas craft projects for family members....or even what Christmas Day looks like for your family?
AS a child at primary school (aged 4 to 11) we had a nativity play by the infants - 4 to 6 years - and a joint play by the juniors, including those in Mr. Bailey the Headmaster's class who were in their last year at primary school. For several years in a row I was the reader - like a narrator but with the reading all from the bible. I longed to dress up and be oe of the characters in the story, but I was never brave enough to do it. I think I could not bear the thought of being Tod I was not good enough. Each year I learned Mary, Joseph Angel Gabriel and the 3 kings' parts of by heart as I had to be at all the rehearsals. I had nothing to learn off by heart as I was just the reader........
At last my chance came to save the Play. One of the 3 kings was ill and with just a few days to go, there was despair at getting anyone to be able to stand in. I quietly and shyly pointed out that I knew the whole part of by heart and that as my part was all read from the Bible it would be really quite easy to replace me.
Therefore there was a new and very nervous actress who, I am told, raised a laugh after singing the first verse of We Three Kings as a solo by giving a huge, very audible sigh.
I have never dared step into the limelight again, but I am so glad that I was able to rescue the Nativity Play that December.
I'm feeling a bit stupid! Having posted earlier in the month about our Rector teaching us Angels from the Realms of Glory, I've today heard Ding Dong Merrily on High and realised that was the carol he taught us with the really long "Gloria" bit. Blame Christmas brain fade. Anyway - here it is, because you can never have too much Gloria:
Hi - I just had to go check that out because I knew I had sung Angels from the realms of glory - do you know you are quite right!!!
Never stupid, Patricia!!!! I didn’t connect the dots either. Angels from the Realms of Glory ... Angels we Have Heard on High ...I'm sure we're forgiven for being a little off centre during this busy time. Besides, there's never too much Angel :)))
Never too much Gloria? Now that's another matter and one that (many years ago ) 5 brothers may have been happy to debate ... hahaha ... xo
Gloria - you've got your own Flashmob!
Well, Patricia, I've never been to Berlin but they obviously know me well ... LOL
Seriously, thank you for sharing this. It's beautiful. I love those spontaneous choir videos ... xo
Aww...that was really special. Thanks for sharing, Patricia!!
Look what I found! I've been clicking through this a bit whenever I have a minute and there are some very interesting things in here. I've read most of the description of Canadian traditions and I think it's pretty accurate :) I've never been to the parade in Toronto (at least not that I recall), and I've never been 'mummering', but I've heard a lot about it. There's a lot of reading and clicking to be done here so if anyone is bored and/or curious about how your fellow crafters celebrate the holidays, why not have a look:
That s wonderful - a great find!!
Wow, this is interesting Glo, as Bev has said, what a great find!
Living in South Wales, UK, I was surprised to read about a tradition that I had never heard of, I will ask some older friends about it. There is so much interesting info in a great format…... you have found me some festive reading!
Thank you Glo x
One of the many Christmas jokes on this site:
Q. Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing?
A. They always drop their needles!