These incredible pictures from a distribution made by Wandi and Themba on July 2. Wandi knows this area well as she was born in nearby Orlando East. This is close to the large football stadium that was renovated for 2010 FIFA World Cup. It is aobut 20 km from the Barn
All loaded up and ready to go. It was a very cold day.
Some Warren Bears and soft cuddly toys.
A hug from Wandi, warm blanket, soft toys and a warm head go a long way in showing love.
Another one of Heather's wonderful creations.
We received this note later in July
This is only the second time I've seen a blanket of mine actually wrapped around a child. Beyond proud to be part of this amazing organisation.
I'm thrilled for you, Patricia. We are always excited to see pictures of the distributions, but when we see our own work it doubles the pleasure! Warm fuzzy feelings for you.
People sometimes ask if I'm sure the blankets, squares, and toys actually get distributed as claimed. The answer is "Absolutely!" Here's the proof. When you see your own work wrapped around a child.
Thank you, Sharon. Even after all these years I still find it quite surreal to think that a blanket I last saw in my dining room in rural England is now keeping a child warm in South Africa!
Fantastic - did you do a happy dance + silly smile - I would, mega chuffed for you ❤️
Well .. I screen shot the photos with tears in my eyes - is that the same thing? Seriously, Karen, thank you. Support from other members is so precious and we all understand how much it means.
Congratulations Patricia!! What a thrill !!
I just love to see these distribution pictures - it makes everything me knit, sew, crochet or create make sense. Thank you X
LOVELY to see the children all rugged up in such cold conditions in all that BEAUTIFUL crafting from our generous KASers.
Well done and huge thanks to Wandi and Themba for travelling to distribute all our goodies. I am going to head to the KASshop to contribute to the fuel costs, parcel customs charges and for our amazing 'right hand man', Themba.
Thanks for posting, Amy. :))