Diepsloot Teaching session!
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Diepsloot Teaching session!
Here is the link to the KAS Facebook page should you like to visit it direct.
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Ronda posted this on Facebook today
Another makeover took place in Orange Farm recently. This time it is Zimbambele's turn to benefit from JAM Switzerland's great team
The makeover at Mohau in Orange Farm is progressing nicely as Swiss volunteers put in their hard work once again.
At handover of a fantastic makeover of Mohau Day Care & Pre-School. Thank you JAM Switzerland and Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation and the Swiss volunteer team!!
JAM SWITZERLAND TEAM - created a brand new place at Tiyani.
It's makeover time again. JAM Deutschand is here with a team at Inyanda Day Care in Orange Farm!
Opening day of the Phakamani Day Care in Orange Farm following a makeover with the help Canadians!
Gogo Pearl - the original owner who opened the school in the 1980s
The Gabsten Technologies team - The Kuelker family - The McLeod family and all the other supporters!
Canada and South Africa - united
Setting up for the party
One the way to the party!
Well wrapped up outside!
Happy Mama Duduziela
Another makeover at Phakamani Day Care in Orange Farm from JAM South Africa with their volunteers, the Kuelker and McLeod families from Canada and locals from Gabsten Technologies who are doing an awesome job so far.
Report from Little Libraries Facebook page : On 23rd July, thanks to the generosity of Knit-a-square, we distributed 60 blankets to 3 schools in need. It was an array of colourful squares of love sewn together to counter the wet and cold weather we have been having in Cape Town.
Thank you so much to all who knitted those lovely squares and to
Knit-a-Square who made these blankets a reality
Report from Mama Ntombi!
Nazley from The Golden Horse Casino came out to visit our projects at Ezinketheni. They donated 67 chairs. Now our children have chairs to sit on at our Breakfast Club and the Grannies will also have comfortable seats when they attend their weekly meetings with Solomon. We kept 36 and donated the rest to the Umsilinga Primary School. The Principal was so grateful for the chairs as she had no chairs for her meetings and visitors. God is so good in the way He provides for us and we are able to bless others too!
It was a very special occasion to deliver our 100th (not so) little library - on Mandela day. This time is was not a little reading corner for tots to get the love of reading before getting to primary school, it was aimed at all the children of a community.
This enterprise was made possible by the coming together of many special people.
In his address at the Nelson Mandela Day 2015 campaign, Trevor Manuel said that Nelson Mandela International Day carried four important messages:
- The profile of what is being done will be raised by good preparation.
- The campaign is not about “parachuting” into activities – it is about building relationships
- The campaign is not about money, but rather the ability to mobilise people to do things together.
- It is not about doing something and standing back – it is about continuity of action.
We ticked all the boxes!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
The container had been fitted with a row of shelves to hold the books. Thank you Roland for being such a nice guy to work with
For the books. We thank:
- Readers Warehouse who donated the majority of the books for this community library
- Patricia and Joubert who made a donation towards buying a whole lot of facts finders type books which will be used by the children when they are doing projects for school
- Breadline Africa who also brought some books along on the day. And thank you Patrick for donating some of your own books too.
There were more than 1000 books packed in those shelves so that the children of the community who never had access to any, can now enjoy reading.
A special thanks has to go to Trilby.
She was instrumental in getting the people at her work to cover the books that were to live in the community library as part of their 67 minutes for Mandela day - thus ensuring a longer lifespan for the books. Thank you Faiheads Benefits Services.
On the day, she also took over the role of librarian whilst we were unpacking the books so that they were organised in logical sections.
Thank you to Kayla (Trilby's daughter) who did her 67 minutes of book covering to help us.
Thank you to Lesley, Debbie and Gemma who helped with the process.
And thanks to Gary who made sure that the empty cartons were all packed away. Some jobs are less glamorous than others but they all have to be done!
The inside of the container was kitted out with the following:
- 'Soccer seats' that will allow more children to attend the reading club at once. For those we thank David from Famous Dave projects (www.famousdave.co.za)
- Cushions that were donated to us by Tracy from The Best Blind Company (www.thebestblindcompany.co.za)
- A printer so that should the children need images from the books for their school project, they can make a photocopy
smile emoticon
Thank you to my husband Steve who never mind puts up with all the ups and downs and a constant influx of things into our lounge but still finds it in him to want to contribute too..
The opening of our community library was the cause of great anticipation and excitement among the community.
A tent was erected opposite the ECD centre where it is located to house various dance acts, speeches, etc...
I was asked to speak...we all know this is a problem... So guess what? I cried... But I was not the only one with teary eyes.
The opening of the 100th little library was also the occasion to gather my Little Libraries' friends to celebrate Mandela Day as well as the network that we have created through sheer Unbuntu* (a Nguni Bantu term roughly translating to "human kindness). My way of saying thank you for being such inspiring women.
We were very spoilt! The treats for our tea party were sponsored by Annelize catering (http://annalize.co.za/). Thank you so much for catering for us.
* I like this part of the extended definition of Ubuntu on Wikipedia:
'An "extroverted communities" aspect is the most visible part of this ideology. There is sincere warmth with which people treat both strangers and members of the community. This overt display of warmth is not merely aesthetic but enables formation of spontaneous communities (co-operatives if you will). The resultant collaborative work within these spontaneous communities transcends the aesthetic and gives functional significance to the value of warmth.'
It so describes the warmth and acceptance I have found amongst those women who never cease to amaze me and it describes the co-operative that Little Libraries has become.
There were many happy faces.
On the far right, Patheka - the woman who inspired us to do this 100th library.
When she got given her little library she felt so lucky that she paid it forwards by lending her books to Brian who wanted to start a reading club but had no books to speak of.
50 children attended the first session of the reading club, over 150 attend now on Saturday mornings. It goes without saying that 120 toddlers books were not going to suffice. Her generosity of spirit inspired us to do more. Over a thousand books are now available.
And we will have to renew some of the books in her little library that has been affected by the high traffic.