FEBRUARY/ MARCH CHALLENGE - Keeping Older Children Warm
Cold weather will be arriving in South Africa in May/June and during the cold months there is a huge need for warm garments for the older children (ages 4-14) to wear during the day, and perhaps even sleep in at night.
Last year, at Ronda’s request, we developed a pattern for an bulky, roomy outer garment which could be worn over whatever other clothes a child owns. We christened this the “GO-OVER” for obvious reasons. This is a simple-to-make item - if you can make a square, you can make one of these! The time involved in making one of these, equates to the time required to make 16 squares.
Information and instructions can be found in the forum category Patterns - GO-OVERS, for two sizes - one to fit children 4-6 and one to fit children 8-14. Check out the Featured Album in the photo section entitled GO-OVER VARIATIONS to see some of the amazing G-O’s already made.
Since the need is great, and the time to make a GO-OVER might seem long for some, this challenge will extend to the end of March. For others, these G-O’s work up quickly and hopefully you will be moved to make several.
The other great need for our older children is warm hats. We have several very easy hat patterns posted in the forum under Patterns - hats, including a recent contribution - Alison’s One Evening Hat (which it is - I’ve tried it!)
Kyla has challenged us to our own “Knitting Olympics” during the week of the Olympics - see her discussion KASmpics winter games - whether you make squares, hats or a GO-OVER during that week it will all be “gold medal” But that is just a small part of our February/March Challenge to “Keep an Older Child Warm”.
We have not set a ‘numbers’ goal for G-O’s and large hats - let’s just go for broke and try to set a record for larger size items for the next two months.
Please report them in this discussion, and we will keep a tally posted here.
Our totals for February were GO-OVERS - 45
Hats - 228
The list of finsihed items below includes both our February and March totals
Linda Maltby 12
Marcelle Daniels 1
Diane McTigue 5
Christine Johnson 5
Dawn Blake 3
Anne Powell 16
Laurie Hake 2
Alison Lett 6
Sue Gillman 3
Mary Kristel Lokken 7
Tess Breakwell 1
Dawn Laverty 3
Enid Mary Shaw 2
Cathy 1
Suzanne DeFalco 1
Debbie Postmontier 1
Julie Kempen 1
Pearle (age 101) 2 (with Laurie Hake)
Erica Smith 1
Anne Lokken 2
Linda Simmons 1
Jacqueline Sousa 3
Sue R. 2
Angela Deakin 1
Claudia Brau 1
Elaine Jones 1
Andrea Palmatier 1
Alice Pizzuto 1
Elizabeth 2 (donated squares - excellent!)
TOTAL 88 !!!!!
Linda Maltby 25
Tess Breakwell 20
Donna Overton 8
Christine Johnson 36
Elizabeth 10
Alison Lett 79 and the Kelso Knitting group - yeah!!
Mary Kristel Lokken 31
Dawn Blake 11
Diane Kubiak 40
Paulette Pronk 10
Jen Phillips 15
Cathy 6
Betty Jean Karopczyc 11
Dawne Smith-Sliming 1
Enid Mary Shaw 2
Elaine Jones 7
Andrea Palmatier 4
Jeanne Haessler 10
Jana Benitez 8
Carol S 1
Anne Powell 6
Alice Reynolds 7
Harrison's mom 45
Diane McTigue 15
RhondaH 3
Linda Simmons 4
Ruth (ramblinroo) 2
Rona Malewit 13
Jacqueline Sousa 4
Laurie Hake 3
Angela Deakin 1
Kyla 2
Alice Pizzuto 3
Sue R 4
Helen Flagg 15 from Clear Lake Methodist Church
TOTAL 475 !!!!!!
Donna Overton 1
Elizabeth 3
Alison Lett 1
Paulette Pronk 4
Elaine Jones 7
Jana Benitez 2
Mary Kristel Lokken 3
Cathy 2
Enid Mary Shaw 1
Sue Gillman 2
Linda Simmons 1
Alice Reynolds 2
Jen Phillips 4
Christine Johnson 18
Diane McTigue 1
Anne Powell 4
Sue R. 7
Dawn Blake 1
Kyla 1
Linda Maltby 2
TOTAL 67 !!!!!
the most important thing here, is that most of the numbers are small - the majority of people made only 1, 2, maybe up to 5-6 items, but since there are so many people, the numbers stacked up so quickly. Poor Ronda is going to have no more living room left!