At the end of July Estelle put out this post to Karen Gordon...

Karen I remember opening a box of approximately 50 pairs of hand warmers from you.  If you have any more small balls of yarn we’d love some hand warmers from our star knitter….we have suddenly run out of them.


Several of us jumped on board and said we would like to help out, too.

Please join us with the challenge to



The Barn is currently out of hand-warmers and our volunteers are making distributions without them.

With the current issues with post arriving to The Barn we need to restock our supply of hand-warmers. 

Every year KAS tries to distribute 5,000 blankets to children. These need hand-warmers to go with them.    

Included in this introduction are some hand-warmers that have been posted by member since Estelle's request. 

We are adding them to our total. 


Let's color in our hands to reach 500 pairs of HAND-WARMERS made for the children.

TOTAL - 500+

Thank you everyone...WE DID IT!

Way to Go Team KAS!

You can post a photo or just let us know how

many you will be posting to South Africa.  

KAS PatternBook Links for Hand-warmers



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  • 10910126661?profile=RESIZE_710x

    19 pairs of hand warmers

    NEW TOTAL =  672

  • 10 Sets of Hand warmers.

    Sorry I have to do this as a file upload again, as it disappears when I do it the normal way.


    • 10896378655?profile=RESIZE_710x

       Sandra these are all super Thank You Xx

  • 7 pairs to add, sadly am out of action now until the end of December.  Had a bit of a fall last Thursday and have cracked my left wrist, in plaster for 40 days, such a shame as I could see the end of lots of my small bits of yarn!

    TOTAL 643


    • Ladies, thank you for your kind comments. I am trying to be a good patient but keep having lapses!! Finding it very difficult not being able to pick up the needles...
      • Oh, Diane, I admire your patience.   So frustrating when you can't rely on the knitting to keep you relaxed and calm.  

        Do you crochet?   I wonder if you'd find it more one-handed than knitting?   Don't do anything to slow your recovery, but maybe worth a try.   Take care.

        • Good afternoon Sharon

          I am able to crochet the basic double crochet (single to you), so I tried your suggestion but it was impossible, I couldn't do the cast on chain:(. Am unable to grip the yarn and my style of crochet bears no resemblance to the tutorials on youtube!! Good idea of yours though, thanks for the suggestion.

          I might add that this is my 3rd attempt at doing a reply the first two on my phone vanished into the ether, hence this on the laptop, fingers crossed that this works.



          • Diane,   I hope your recovery is going well.   So sorry that crochet only added to your frustration, but you wouldn't want to do anything to lengthen your recovery time or the results of the recovery, either.

            Take care, and know that we are sending all our best healing thoughts your way.

          • De France je vous adresse mes souhaits de bon et rapide rétablissement : surtout Diane ne forcez pas : je le faisais quand je me suis cassée le poignet droit il y a quelques années et mes petites imprudences ont ralenti la guérison. C'est un moment où il faut être patiente (par la force des choses ) et accepter de se faire aider en se disant que tout va s'arranger très vite surtout avec un bon kiné et que très bientôt vous allez reprendre vos chères aiguilles.

            Bonne fin d'année 2022 à vous.

            • Chere Mireille

              Merci bien pour votre message, quel bon avis!  Biensur je suis patiente mais ca n'est pas facile.  Vraiment vous avez raison, tout va s'arranger tres vite.  Bientot je vais reprendre les aguilles.

              Joyeux Noel


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