I am new to this group - I found this site on the internet when I was looking for charities that needed knitting. Some friends and I are having our first knit and natter group today and I wanted to suggest a charity we could knit for - so this is it!
Sounds like a lot of fun :)
Great to have you with us Jan - welcome and thanks for getting your group to knit for KAS. I am sure you will find it rewarding - there is so much info on the forum and in the ezines - link here -
that your group will always be able to see who they are helping and how much good their knitting does. Plus there is a huge range of squares, hats, jumpers, toys that are always needed so plenty of variety for your group. Happy knitting
Hi Jan I am so pleased you chose KAS to knit for. Be careful though we all find it a bit addictive !
Knit & Knatter - excellent Jan, and occasionally add a drinkie-poo, but you have to watch no stitches get dropped! Lovely to have you on board.
That's great Jan - we are so pleased that you found us. I hope you enjoy the Knatter as well.