I would appreciate some feed back on that present suggestion that KAS needs help with postage and making up blankets. I have about 6 people knitting from my church and these ladies are retired or elderly with limited funds. I work full time but have a family to support.
I am reluctant to do fundraising at the moment because I just come off a big fundraising drive for my daughters dance crew and I dont want to weary those I have tapped into already !
Ideas please or does anyone want to join forces with me and send togather ?
Dawn, my suggeston is that you approach your church for help with the postage. It works for me.
Our church sends about 4000 squares a year. The Misson Commitee supports the postage by letting me do a once a year "ask" to the congregation with a dispay and special collection envelopes. People who do not contribute by knitting, donate to the postage fund.
Since your volume is smaller, perhaps your church would pick up the tab for mailing without a big plea to the congregation, particularly since your knitters are members of the church.
Hi Dawn. Don't worry about fund raising....nobody is expected to do so, it's just some members got inspired to do so. It sounds like you did an awesome job for your daughters dance crew, power to you and take a bow and a well deserved rest, hon. The situation is that only those of us that have a bit of spare cash now have the opportunity to send it on to help out with paying the grandmothers to sew the blankets up...and IF some of us have more funds available, and many don't, they are retired, on pensions etc. then those of us who can also help pay the office rent.
Not everyone can fund raise or donate and that's perfectly alright. We don't want anyone, ever, to be cash strapped because of feeling that they have to donate to help out or feeling guilty because they can't donate or just haven't the health or income to do so. It's just, as moderators, we realized a financial squeeze was going on and felt the members should know just in case they wanted to help out financially as we knew some could afford to do so and might like the chance, and those people have stepped forwards and bless them for it. Your wonderful loving church ladies are doing more than enough and God bless them for it. Thank them for their loving giving hearts, please. They are precious to us. They knit and crochet with love. I am sure the children feel it too.
Please don't feel you have to pressure anyone in any way hon. What you girls do already to help support the South African AIDS orphans is more than enough, it's wonderful in fact. Thank you for your honesty here and please let me assure you that you are angels for what you do to help the children, no more needs to be done by you, your plate is already full I am sure. If at some time you feel you can and wish to donate, and believe me your work is more than enough, well you can go to the donations discussions and suggest, as I recently did, that I could only donate X amount and would anyone else like to partner up with me? Otherwise, please do not worry about it, you gals are awesome and thank you SO much for your love and kindness towards the children!
Jeanne xoxoxo