Our forum is our great strength - it is the place where we meet to make friends, encourage one another, trade ideas and patterns and in general have fun! Here are some tips for getting the most out of the Forum
If you have a question about using the forum which is not answered below, please post it in Questions, Answers and Help -
Click on +Add in the upper right corner - this opens a new discussion where you can post your question.
We will post an answer there.
What do I do if I have forgotten my password?
Click on 'Sign In' at top right corner and and at the bottom of the dialog box is a message 'Forgot your password', which you have to click on to reset your password - preferably to something memorable! In fact, no one, not even Ning can read anyone's password
How do I find things in the Forum?
In the upper right corner of the main page, you will find the Search feature which will provide you with a list of postings on the topic you are looking for
How do I use the menu bar at the top of the main page?
- Click on the appropriate tab for quick navigation in the Forum from whatever page you happen to be on - Some are obvious – like ‘My Page’, Main Page, Photos etc.
- KAS blog will take you offsite to ‘All for Orphans’
- KAS will take you offsite to the main Knit-a-Square site
How do I use the Discussions tab in the menu bar?
- Click on the Discussions tab to get to the page where all forum Categories are listed
- To the right of the Category name is the number of discussions within the Category
- Click on the Category to bring up a list of all the discussions
- Choose the discussion you want to visit
How do I find the most recent comments?
- On the left of the main page screen, you will see a few of the most recent postings. Click on the one you want to read
- At the bottom of the main page, you will also see a longer list of recent postings. Click on ‘Latest Reply’ to go there
How do I keep up-to-date on a discussion that interests me?
- At the bottom of any discussion intro., you will see the word "Follow". Clicking on this will insure you get an email notice anytime some one replies to that discussion.
How do I leave a comment for another member?
- Click on Members tab on the Menu bar to go to the list of members,. Use the search feature to find the member you are looking for
- Click on Comment beside their photo – this will take you to their page
- type your comment in the box that appears
- Click on Add comment
How do I leave a message for another member?
- this only works for sending a message to a ‘friend’ on the forum
- Click on Members tab on the Menu bar to go to the list of members,. Use the search feature to find the member you are looking for or locate the friend photo on your page
- Click on the member's name or photo to go to their page
- Click on 'Send a message' in the left hand column of their page
How do I become a ‘friend’ to someone on the Forum?
- click on the Members tab in the Menu Bar
- use the search feature to find the person you are looking for
- click on their name to go to their page
- click on Add as a Friend in the left column
- your friend request will be sent to the person to be accepted
How do I upload a photo to the Forum?
- Click on the Photo icon in the top Menu Bar
- Click” +Add” in the upper right corner of the Photo page
- Click on Add Photo From Your Computer
- Use Browse feature to choose photo
- Click on Upload
- Click on Save
How do I create a personal album?
- Click on My Albums on the Photo page and follow the instructions
How do I add a photo to a discussion?
- Click on ‘Reply to This’ immediately under the discussion intro
- Type in any message you want to attach to the photo
- Click on the ‘Image’ icon (second from left on the reply menu bar)
- Use the browse feature that appears to find the photo on your computer
- Click on the photo, it will start to upload. When finished, the OK button will turn dark blue. Click on this and you will return to the “Reply to This” message
-Wait until your photo appears on the screen
- Click ‘Save’
- Please limit size of photo to no more than 200 KB
What photos are acceptable for the Photo section?
Photos of work you have made for KAS, or promotional events are displayed here. We ask that you post personal photos, or any non-KAS related photos in the appropriate discussion or your Personal Blog. One (or no more than two) photos of an item are sufficient.
What size photos should I upload?
- Please limit size of photo to no more than 200 KB
How do I start a new discussion?
- Find the appropriate Category for your discussion
- Click on Add in the upper right corner, give your discussion a title, and away you go!
How do I reply to a discussion?
- If you are making a reply to the discussion in general, click on “Reply to This” just under the discussion intro to place your reply at the end of the discussion
- If you wish to reply to someone’s comment, click on “Reply” in the comment square to place your reply right under their comment
How do I add to the ongoing tally of squares and other items?
- the easiest way is to go to the last entry in the tally
– copy the entire list to Word Pad or Clipboard
- Make changes in the list to reflect the items you are sending – copy the entire list again
- Click on Reply to This (right under the introduction) and paste your revised list here
- Click on Add Reply. This will place your reply at the very end of the discussion so the next person leaving a message will have the correct figures
- if you absolutely find this process baffling, post your numbers as a note, or message someone on the forum with whom you are in contact. No worries – one way or another we’ll get them added to the tally!
How do I find a discussion I started two years ago? It seems to have disappeared!
In the interests of keeping the forum as simple as possible to navigate, we sometimes close discussions which have not had a response in the last six months. These are stored in the Closed Discussions Category.
What is a personal blog? .
This is a special area where you can introduce yourself to the Forum members and blog to your heart’s content. To create your Blog, go to the Category: Members Personal Blogs,
- Click on Add Discussion, name your Blog after yourself -"Mary Jones’ Blog" and away you go..... blog to your heart’s content, add photos if you wish
- Because you started the discussion, you will be notified by email if someone responds
- Since this blog is a ‘discussion’, you can just keep adding to it by entering your next blog post in the "Reply to this" square under the intro to your blog - no need to start new blog each time
Why does my blog not appear immediately?
All new blogs are approved by the Administrators. This is usually done within 24 hours.
How do I join a Group?
- We have 46 Groups that might interest you.
- Several are country-specific – UK, Canada, USA, etc.
- Click on the Groups icon in the Menu bar to pull up the list
- If you wish to comment in Group, first you must join
– just click the appropriate icon on the Group page
How do I make monthly or occasional monetary donations to KAS?
- On the right hand side of the Main Page of the forum, and on other pages throughout the KAS website, you will see a Paypal icon. . The drop-down menu shows increments of $5.00. $10.00 etc. Choose the amount you wish to donate per month and click on Subscribe. The secure Paypal website will walk you through the rest of the process If you wish to make only one payment, we suggest you use the Donate icon instead.
These donations are a vital part of keeping KAS running in South Africa. Funds are used to help pay for transportation for volunteers who come from a distance each week to assist Ronda, for post office charges like box fees or occasional duty, plus a myriad of other little things involved in the day-to-day running of the operation.
Special one-time items like snacks for the children and gas for Ronda's vehicle on distribution days are now available. Click on KAS Shop in the menu bar and follow the link to the Shop to see these and other items.