Hi there I have just joined the KasCare community and find it incredible that there are people all over the world knitting for a common purpose! I find it all very exciting!!
I have just sent my first consignment of squares and sweaters and have got some more on the go!
I have been knitting since I was about 4 (rather a long time ago!!) and was taught by my mother and grandmother. Many years ago my mother knitted children's clothes to send to Africa, and here am I doing the same thing!! My Grand-daughter aged 7 is learning to knit and I am hoping one day she will also send you a square or two!
Hi Everyone.... I am just doing a bit re-organizing in the Personal blogs to simplify it a bit. I have just combined Jen's 2 blogs nto one, so if it seems a bit out of order, that is my fault. I think I manged to capture all the replies, but if I missed yours, my apologies
Keep on blogging, Jen!!!
Reply by Christine Johnson on February 17, 2012 at 6:04am
Well, we don't think so but it does cause comments and that enormous ball of yarn might have had something to do with it!
Reply by Pam Antink on February 17, 2012 at 9:30am
Ah, Jen, us Brits are renowned for our eccentricity - although knitting in public is at the lower end of the scale! Odd, that people should actually remark - you'd think that knitting wasn't permitted outside the home!
Reply by Linda Maltby on February 17, 2012 at 9:39am
As KAS grows perhaps we KASfolk will become the norm. We seem to knit/crochet where and when ever we have the opportunity. I keep a stash of info(business cards/information sheets) about KAS in my purse and crochet bag so the minute anyone asks what I'm doing........ The information is available under Resources at the top of the page Do love the size of that ball of yarn !
Posted by jen smith on February 17, 2012 at 2:37am in
.I have just returned from a trip with our motorcaravan to Germany where we visited friends and Austria where we did some skiing . What could be nicer on a very cold winters day than sitting in front of a huge log fire with my young friend Jack, me knitting a sweater and him doing some Strictlisl (French knitting). His grew to be about 10 feet long, while mine proceeded more slowly, though he was very keen to know when it would be finished and when I would send it. His Mum joined us later on the sofa knitting some socks. On the way back on the Ferry I was knitting to pass the time when a French Lady thought that this was so peculiar that she took my photo! It also generated a few comments as people passed! Knitting is not that peculiar .....is it?!
Welcome to KAS, Jen-this is a really great place to be! Everyone is so friendly, shares help and inspiration-and where else can we get to knit/crochet as much as we want, help others and talk about knitting to our heart's content? has to be good!
Welcome Jen -
It is always so exciting when someone new finds and joins us - more warm children :-)
Where do you live? Hope to hear from you hear on the forum when you have time to join in .
Welcome, Jen! It's exciting to have you join our group. We're a very friendly bunch and someone is always here and willing to answer any questions that you may have. Please post some photos of your work if you get a chance... we'd love to see it!
Andrea :o)
Lovely to have you on board Jen and i love your story!
Hi Jen, below is the link that should take you to the UK Group, it will mention you cannot comment unless you join, click join and you'll be with us!
Lovely to have you with us Jen. This is a very friendly and supportive community too and you will 'meet' lots of like-minded knitters and crocheters all happy to help. It's great that your grand-daughter is learning to knit - like you I learned to knit when I was about four and like you, that was a long time ago. There does seem to be a resurgence of interest amongst the young now and there are several schools involved in the project which is good for everyone.
Be great if you joined the UK group (and then we could add your items to the tally). Happy knitting.
Great to hear from you. How do I join the UK group?