lead by Pam Antink
As I do not knit very well, I'm going to have to cheat and fudge my way through the June Theme! For this purpose I've been trawling through all the pics on the Photo tab right back to the beginning. It was a joy to view some of the photos! More from early contributors will be posted as the Theme progresses - hopefully to provide additional inspiration.
Do hope everyone enjoys our progress through the years and the reminders of the wonderful supporters who have contributed and still do!
Anyhow, please get ready for a daily
'Blast from the Past'
Anneke (The Netherlands) has helped me by knitting some lovely versions of Stitchtastic Stitches, Stripes and Zigzags to get the theme off the ground!
Pattern Link : Diagonal Rib Stitch
Pattern Link : Zigzag Stitch
STRIPED PJ designed for Knit-a-Square
by Anneke (The Netherlands) can be
found in Members Patterns
This pattern
is from Mary Ann Fellows
and stitched by Anneke and can
be found in Members Patterns :
Below are some more inspiring members squares involving stitches, zigzags and stripes
Andrea Palmatier - one of the few brave enough to tackle zigzags
Anne Powell - love this very strong example of a striped square - so effective!
Gloria Grandy - May's inspiring PJ Theme leader, has been largely instrumental in making the Tunisian Stitch very popular since she joined in April 2013!
Tunisian Honeycomb 2014 Cross stitched Tunisian 2013
Rona's Long Beach Wash Cloth Mandy's Technicolour Stripes
2010 2010
Anne has kindly started a Pinterest Board for Stitchtastic :
A late entry from Nancy Lotspeich. Great stripes !
Thank you everyone who contributed and kept this show on the road. Due to pressure of work, emails, KasSnippets etc it was impossible to keep on top of the the theme - however, you all did a magnificent job and kept it rolling without me very nicely!
Here is a closing square that Anneke especially prepared for the occasion!
This beautiful square perfectly sums up this month - of Stitches, Stripes and Zigzags!
Now for Christmas Squares from Debbie & Sue!
This is going to be quite a novelty for us who live in the Northern Hemisphere - we can experience Christmas during the scorching summer, just like our Southern Hemisphere contributors do!
I only joined a couple of weeks ago, so I hope I'm doing this right. I've knitted other squares, but these are the two that I made for this month's theme.
This was inspired by Louise Tidman's scarf on page 44 of the navy scarf thread. The pattern pulls it in but it stretches out to a generous 8 inches. It has an attractive ribbed appearance on the other side.
And here are some more striped squares I made while traveling.
And some PERT PJs with stripes. The nice thing about these is you can make squares with stripes and you still only have one end to tuck in :)
Well I am almost embarassed to post these photos because I just can't get the color right. I know that you know what we all know ... cameras are color blind!!! However, this is a most beautiful yarn, given to me by Linda when I visited her last week (thank you, thank you, thank you!!!) and I really, REALLY wanted it to look its best. Oh well, here they are, all laid out for our June Stitchtastic theme :)
The top left is linked double crochet. The top right is knitted slip stitch paired with a yellow yarn.
The bottom left is knitted diagonal. The bottom right is knitted garterstitch.
The centre square is Tunisian Honeycomb.
I still have a tiny bit left that will find its way into another square soon :)
So what do you think, Linda?? Did I do okay??? xo
Here are some squares I made while away. I have others that need to be photo'd, but they will come later ... after I unpack and get back into the right time zone :))
The first one (far left) is a slip-stitch pattern (knit). The bottom right (navy and orange stripe) is a knit diagonal. The rest of these are all various patterns in Tunisian Crochet :) xo
I have gone through the incredible work you have all done this month ... sweaters, squares, hand warmers, whole blankets!!! ... the list goes on! Everyone has done a fantastic job, as always :)
Pam certainly set us on the right path with the wonderful assortment of "oldies but goldies" that she somehow found the time to search for, dig out, and display for us.
Thank you, Pam. They are all treasures and I'm sure we'll be seeing many more variations of them for some time yet :) xo
A no sew Go-Over in a variegated, self striping yarn. The actual colours are a lot brighter than in photo.
Ok folks! So I fibbed. The four higher up are not the last for June. I was trying some stash busting and this was the result: