Panda Kindergarten in Croatia
 donating toys for the children in South Africa

Find something that you are passionate about in making a difference and you’ll find a waiting kinship of people willing to unite for the cause.  

Wes Adams

Welcome to all the members that have joined the forum

since the last issue of KAS Snippets

Warm Hands and Warm Hearts


Knitted Hand Warmers

Knitted Twisted Rib Hand Warmers

Crochet Puff Heart Square

Crochet Hand Warmers


   KNIT-A-SQUARE responded to a recent fire in a shack community.
Here is Ronda's account:
   "There has been an awful shack fire literally 200 metres from our house. There are a number of shack dwellers in a river-bed on a corner nearby, which used to house a huge restaurant called the Clay Oven, but which has been derelict for some years now and there is a dispute about the land on which it stands.
   In the meantime, all its buildings and gardens down to the river have been occupied by squatters for the past 4 or 5 years.
   Our church has a branch/meeting place there and the pastor does immense work amongst the people, and directs a good percentage of our outreach work to their needs.
In the early hours of the morning, 60 or more people were saved from a roaring fire, which demolished their shacks and all their belongings. (In the rainy season the river rises and sweeps dozens of these flimsy shelters away – and when winter dryness comes, it is fires)
Not only does the government NOT provide decent homes for them in areas in which they WANT to live, but they are increasingly reliant on their neighbourhood members, and – as I mentioned – Gracepoint.
I went to the office and filled up a couple of bags with beanies, tops and 15 blankets which I dropped off at the church, with love from KNIT-A-SQUARE to the Clay Oven Community."


The April 2018 Squares List is available.

Please visit the website:

Click on 'Received Squares'

Because of the heavy workload for the small KAS Team, hats, hand-warmers and toys will not be recorded anymore, but please keep sending them because they are desperately needed. In the 2018 Squares List the names of the senders, number of parcels and number of squares will be recorded.

Please fill in the Packing Slip completely.

 The focus for 2018 and for some time to come will stay as is:

Squares for blankets, hats, handwarmers and cuddly soft toys.


To see more details, please click [HERE]




We received 9.489 squares in April, equal to 271 blankets.

In total 50.716 Squares, equal to 1.449 Blankets!




This month we are encouraging everyone to help supports our Gogos.  Those wonderful women that sew our squares together to make wonderful blankets for the children.  

Click here to visit the KAS Shop


This map shows us Soweto where KAS distributes almost all of its blankets and goodies today. 
The KAS Story – Chapter 4 focuses on memorable distributions and the thought process behind the distributions.      

 Chapter 4

Visit the Blanket Room

Blankets are filling the shelves once again as we get ready for the

busy season of distributions. Please check out all the news in 

 Sorted in South Africa


This is an article from September 2014 where KAS distributed blankets to babies as well as older children with special needs.  Archive


Click here for complete overview


I'm glad to report that Ronda is doing well and looking good. She has been following doctor's orders by resting each afternoon and avoiding going out in the cold, especially at night. As a result, she was very much her usual upbeat self at this week's opening day.

Ronda also reported to me that a patient receiving radiation therapy at the West Rand Oncology Unit, part of the Flora Clinic complex, contacted her about squares. These are squares knitted by patients in the waiting room ahead of their treatment. A large pile had been produced and were awaiting collection. Ronda duly fetched them and brought them for sorting this week. more here

Funny and Fabulous

Please note that the Knit A Square website has been down for about a week now.  We are told that IT is working on it.  Thank you for understanding.

You need to be a member of Square Circle Forum to add comments!

Join Square Circle Forum

Email me when people reply –


  • Thank you so much for sharing this! It means so much to all of us contributing and for our partners it is so inspiring, the recognition you provide. I am so happy that all those toys will find new warm hearts!

  • Amy you are a busy bee, producing this great edition of Snips as well as the monthly chapters of the KAS story! I hope you know how much your work appreciated! Thank you x

  • Amy, what a wonderful, colorful, informative, edition this is.  Very well done!   I appreciate all the hours that went into pulling this all together.  For those who have limited spare time to enjoy the forum each day, you have provided a fabulous recap of the month.  Thank you!  xo

  • Wonderful job on Snips, Amy!  Not sure how you are finding time to do all you are doing. but it is greatly appreciated.  Have you given up sleeping?

  • Thank you for a wonderful Snips, Amy. You are bringing us so much information at the moment, what with the 'KAS Chapters' and standing in for Glo with Snips. I can only imagine the amount of hours and effort required for both.

    I particularly enjoyed the archive segment that you included. I had obviously, completely missed this report, when it was posted in 2014, as at that time my father and mother-in-law were very ill.

    Thank you, also, to everyone who provides assistance with reports, info, etc.

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