The MARCH Squares List is available.
During March there were still postal problems, we recorded 45 parcels containing
2.848 squares, equal to 81blankets.
Many other items were received, such as hats, hand-warmers, cuddly toys and other goodies.
April will be more promising!
Lots of parcels have been received in April, just take a look at "What is happening in the Barn",
Opening day on April 18 [HERE]
Please find below the squares list as an attachment:
2023 MARCH SQUARES LIST.pdf and click on it to open it:
Thank you Gloria another Super Snippets!
Another wonderful issue . You cover the whole function of KAS.
Well done .
Beautiful banner, beautiful edition, love the saying/poem of Desmond Tutu.
Thank you Glo, I don’t know how you do it, but you always produce such an informative, well planned, colourful, thoughtful Snips…. with a dash of humour!
It great to see Anne’s poem, I think she would be chuffed that she is still a part of the forum and making us smile!
Totally agree with everything Chris has said. Lovely to see Anne's poem here. She truly was a great poet and I love it when her poems pop up here and there from time to time and I am reminded of them and her great sense of fun.
Thanks also for the snippets from the Blanket Room. I have been wanting a visual of the diagonal striped blanket, as I keep putting it on my mental 'to do' list, but couldn't remember where I had seen it.