Please remember that if you click on the title of the article it will take you to that discussion on the Forum.
There have been many distributions this month, but we will highlight three discussions, so that we can spread out the photos over the next few months.
We hope that you might see something that you have made for the children in the photos.
Karen Gordon is doing a fabulous job hosting our theme this month. Emojis were requested as a theme by our volunteers in South Africa.
According to our contributors, ebay has been a very good source for appliques for everyone where ever they may be.
Well, it seems he has taken up residence in the gift department, and he has brought along a whole crowd of his friends.
Created just for Knit-a-square by our own Andrea Palmatier, these unique AFRICAN ANIMAL Flashcards celebrate the diversity of wildlife in Africa. Most children can identify lions, giraffes and zebras, but maybe not an Aardvark or some of the other unusual African creatures. Priced at just $5 US for the set. You can find them here.
Download this 8.5" x 11" version of these alphabet flashcards once and print as many times as you wish for the special children in your life. They would make wonderful stocking stuffers or ‘just because I love you gifts.’ These cards would also make great items to sell if you are holding a fundraiser for postage.
When you order, you will receive a PDF with the complete alphabet. We recommend you take the PDF to a print shop and have these printed on heavy card stock.
Please help the KAS Volunteers and gogo groups by following these instruction for preparing your squares before mailing.
We can help by making sure the 20 inches/50 cm tails are butterflied* to the squares before we send them. It might be easy to measure around three sides of your square before snipping our your yarn, that should be 60 cm/24 inches.
Sew/darn in any other ends of yarn along the side of the square.
If possible, also tie the squares into bundles of 5 or 10.
The June 2019 Squares List is available.
Because of the heavy workload for the small KAS Team, hats, handwarmers and toys will not be recorded anymore, but please keep sending them because they are desperately needed. In the 2019 Squares List the names of the senders, number of parcels and number of squares will be recorded. Please fill in the Packing Slip completely.
Please note that the office is inundated with packages and items on a weekly basis. The volunteers do their best, but it's impossible for them to list every single item that is sent. All efforts are made to list every parcel received. We thank you for your understanding.
The focus for 2019 and for some time to come will stay as is:
Squares for blankets, hats, handwarmers and cuddly soft toys.
To see more details, please click HERE
In June we received 168 parcels containing 15.333 squares, equal to 438 blankets.
Many other items were received, such as hats, handwarmers, go-overs, cuddly toys and other goodies.
PDF Version - printer friendly
Read all about Mabel's birthday celebration and all the visitors that have visited the KAS Barn this month in Leanne's marvelous blog.
This month we have a KAS KRYPTOGRAM for you to try
It has be about one year since our new Knit-a-Square website went live. Here is and interesting article about KAS and how it works.
Everyday Bev is adding more and more blankets to the Blanket Room. Be sure to check them out might just see one of your squares.
Farm animals, barns, machinery, scenes, colors that remind you of farms. Hosted by Rebecca
We are so excited to see what our contributors make this month. Please post all of your squares, blankets and goodies.
Please remember that our yearly theme is CHILDREN.
Our Umbrella Theme for 2019 is….. CHILDREN ….. for they are the focus of all that we do!
C Color….. We can help bring color into the lives of children with all that we make and send.
H Happiness….We hope that what we send brings each child warmth and a little happiness.
I I can make a small, but significant difference to the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children, from the comfort of my own home.
L Love…. We hope the children feel the love and care crafted into every stitch.
D Delivery …. We all need to make and send as much as we are able, to ensure that every needy child has a blanket, hat, hand warmers and a toy delivered to them by Ronda and her wonderful team.
R Remember that whenever Ronda receives a parcel from each of us, whether it be large or small she has to pay the same post office charge. So one larger parcel is better than two smaller ones!
E Every time we send a parcel, please put a zero value on the custom form, or Ronda will be charged a custom duty that she can’t afford.
N May the caring hearts and hands of our KAS members, from the many nations of the world, continue to work together in 2019 to help bring warmth and a little joy to vulnerable children in South Africa.
Jeanne shared a very interesting article about knitting during wars and how spies could knit Morse code into garments and other ingenious ideas. We can all learn some history here.
Our precious Gloria is off on holiday at the moment, thus the Snippets is not as packed and as colorful as we are used to seeing. She will be back soon and the Snips will return to its full regalia.
Thank you so much Amy for this wonderful edition of Snips. Interesting news and subjects (a.o. knitting during wars) , great photos, the puzzle, well, everything!
Thank you Amy for stepping in for Glo and producing a great Snips :))
Thanks, Amy! Great job on Snips this month.
Thank you for this thorough and informative piece. It really brings home what smashing, productive and caring crafters we are ❤️
Thank you for stepping in and ensuring we receive our monthly dose of KAS goss, Amy. A great read. :))
I hope Glo is having a good time, wherever she may be. :))