Click HERE
to send some of Peace of Mind to
Ronda and all our volunteers in South Africa.
Click HERE
to finish up your shopping in a hurry!
Believe it or not, calendars are still in vogue :)
Check the KAS SHOP
Truly one of a kind, filled with photos of our member’s creations and ‘our' children with their blankets, toys, hats and hand warmers.
Have it professionally printed and bound or,
like some of our crafters,
use your imagination to come up with a truly unique way to print and use your
2019 KAS calendar!
Little boy at traffic lights ...
Report from Athele: Bozica, I gave one of your special little characters to this precious little child who spends his days having to sit on his mother’s lap at a traffic light, while she begs. He was so delighted! Thank you on behalf of Knit-A-Square for making it possible for us to reach out with a little joy and loving care for this vulnerable little chap. I will look for them again when winter comes and give him a blanket and beanie too ...
It's amazing what can be created from leftover yarn! Just sayin' ...
The November 2018 Squares List is available.
Because of the heavy workload for the small KAS Team, hats, handwarmers and toys will not be recorded anymore, but please keep sending them because they are desperately needed. In the 2018 Squares List the names of the senders, number of parcels and number of squares will be recorded. Please fill in the Packing Slip completely.
Please note that the office is inundated with packages and items on a weekly basis. The volunteers do their best, but it's impossible for them to list every single item that is sent. All efforts are made to list every parcel received. We thank you for your understanding.
The focus for 2018 and for some time to come will stay as is:
Squares for blankets, hats, handwarmers and cuddly soft toys.
To see more details, please click HERE
In November we received 290 parcels containing 16.523 squares, equal to 472 blankets.
Overall total 142.613 squares, equal to 4.074 blankets.
Many other items were received, such as hats, handwarmers, go-overs, cuddly toys and other goodies.
Click HERE to share a memory ...
A note from Leanne:
Click HERE to see Leanne's beautiful beannies and help her reach 100%THAT WARM FUZZY FEELING
by Leanne Hunt
Yesterday was our last opening day for the year. It's incredible to realise we've already reached the December holidays. As we opened in prayer, we gave thanks for a busy year, the ability to help many children, and the countless blessings that we as volunteers have received along the way.
Wandi celebrated her birthday this week so there was a cake and fresh flowers picked from Estelle's garden. The candles were lit and duly blown out, but then a couple lit up again,, which required more blowing, and again a bunch of them reignited! it caused great hilarity and a lovely photo opportunity. Estelle managed to capture a funny video to put on the Knit-a-Square Facebook page. Eventually, the birthday girl needed help from all her friends because she was quite out of breath when the candles relit for the tenth time ...
Don't miss the rest of Leanne's KASbarn report. This week, she and the volunteers share some of their Christmas traditions and send you all some wonderful Christmas greetings.
Continue reading HERE
A lovely edition of snippets, Gloria. Thank you.
I love this Christmas edition so much! the artwork is beautiful, warm and lovely! Thank you so much for all this hard work.
Peaceful, Joyful, Beautiful indeed!
/'. Thanks Glo for a great Christmas edition, full of life and colour ! Thanks too, to our poets Anne and Arlene.
Huge Thanks, Gloria!! Well done.
WOW Glo!!! I know Santa will have something special in his sack for you. You have brought us a stupendous edition to finish our KAS year. xo
Thank you to our 'resident' poets, Arlene and Anne for having created two beautiful poems for us to enjoy and reflect on our crafting gifts for the children and how we can make a difference in their life, one square at a time.
Thank you also to Glo and her very talented family for their toe tapping Knit A Square song (yes, my left foot just couldn't stay reminding us just how easy it is to show love and caring for an orphaned or vulnerable child, while doing something we love....crafting.
Thank you to everyone who contributes stories and information to our KAS Snippets each month. We are so lucky to have our own magazine full of fun and relevant content.
Lastly, Merry Christmas to all. May you have a time of peace and joy....and may Santa fill your stocking with yarn. xo
And many thanks to you, Bev, for all your upbeat comments and your great crafting.
I second that, Mili! Our forum would not be such an upbeat happy place without Bev, who somehow finds time to greet everyone, comment frequently, and spread sunshine.
Glo, I enjoyed every word of Snips this month. What a fun read - thank you.
I'm always amazed at how creative our members are outside of crafting, poets, composers, musicians, storytellers, editors. Thank you for so generously sharing your 'other' talents.
Thank you Mili, you are very kind. xo
It is very easy to be upbeat when we are a part of such a caring, creative community.
Thank you Glo, for a 'sparkling' Christmas edition of KAS Snippets - plenty to read, reflect and take on board as we head into this busy Christmas and New Year season!