~~ OUR MARCH 2016 THEME ~~
L E T ' S H E A R I T F O R T H E B O Y S
If you would like to hear
what this month's theme is all about,
please click this link
and let me tell you!
And thanks to Valerie's fabulous idea,
my brother Dwight's recording and producing talent,
and my niece Cynthia's lovely voice,
we can tell you about it
And if you don't know the song that's
playing in the background
but wish you did,
please click this link
and let me share it with you!
For your viewing pleasure, I have collected your photos
and placed them in our
And now ... since you amazing crafters have created
enough squares and items to fill a whole photo album,
I have started a second one
Sorry Glo, this is a little late.I tried hard to get it done in time, but............Time is always running out
One complete blanket and detail from some of the squares.
A beautiful blanket, Valerie. Love the colors and textures. Well done!
Wow!!! Gorgeous blanket, Valerie.......LOOOOOVE the centrepiece!!!! Serious case of yarn envy!!!
Valerie, this is a gorgeous blanket! Thank you!
I just love those diagonals in the centre ... they are amazing! They make it look like a water color painting! How clever! xo
It's all in the yarn I used. It's a line of variegated in lots of lovely combinations and it's very easy to work with.
What beautiful stitching......lovely detail :))
Thanks Gloria for a wonderful job hosting March’s theme . Although my contribution was almost no existence, I peek from time to time to see what was going on while on vacation: Bev’s delightful characters squares, Susan D’s cheerful granny squares, Louise & Co. posted magnificent blankets like magic, Joan’s unique hand warmers, and Noortje popping amazing hats, again like magic, the generosity of Christine’s Chipen shown in her beautiful blankets, the swirls blanket , and the blue elephant from Sharon B … just to mention some. In addition, the Tunisian squares from their “ Queen”, Gloria. Thanks again, Gloria for kindly sharing your skills with us and the world how to make a Tunisian honeycomb pattern - great and super clear instructions - March was FUN, CREATIVE, GENEROUS and BLUELICIOUS. Enjoy your time off, Gloria.
Best regards,
Thank you, Diana. It was so much fun hosting this month's theme. The talent, creativity, and generosity of our fabulous contributors always amazes me. Our little boys will be thrilled with all the wonderful gifts they will find in their blankets.
And I am thrilled with this lovely bouquet of lily-of-the-valley ... one of my favorite flowers! Thank you ... xo
Thanks, you're to kind, Louise.