Marion Davies

It is with much sadness that I share with you all that after a  short illness, Marion has passed away.
Marion was a wonderfully talented and generous contributor to Knit A Square and the children; joining our community in 2017.
In an email from Marion to Amy and myself, she wished to be remembered to you all.
From Marion :-

'Working with KAS has brought me a lot of joy and friendship.  Give my love to everyone. 

Love Marion'



We would love to create a blanket or two in tribute to Marion. 

Although I am unaware of Marion's favourite colour, she created so many fun, pretty, cheerful and child-inspired squares and as such, it would be lovely to knit or crochet some colourful, playful squares in her honour. If you would like to participate, please make a note in your parcel indicating which are your 'Marion squares', so that the ladies in South Africa can gather them all together to create a special memorial blanket.


Thank you.


You can view Marion's wonderful crafting by visiting her page.





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  • Sharon, Bev, and Amy - This is going to be one beautiful blanket.

  • Marion provided KAS with lots of flowers and hearts.  Here are my squares for this very special blanket.


    • Wonderful hearts and flowers that will add to Marion's blanket.

    • BEAUTIFUL squares, Amy! I LOVE your sparkly heart and bobble heart.

      I had some little white flowers with yellow centres just like yours that I was going to 'jazz up' my hearts with, but they didn't look that good on the colour in my sqs, but the colour of your squares suits it perfectly. 

  • Two  of my favourite squares of Marion's were her playful frogs and her colourful and sweet unicorn's head. 

    I had a deja vu moment when I started knitting some hearts to include, as I suddenly remembered I had actually knitted hearts in a very similar shade a few years back. The two dark squares are a dark burgundy/ purple shade.


    • These are so pretty!  The frog and unicorn will make the child smile like a big, warm hug.

    • Love that frog and its bow tie.

      Wish I kntted to make that heart square, I have always loved it .  Will continue on with bobbles and appliques.

  • These BEAUTIFUL squares in French Lilac from Sharon B.


    • This is the variegated yarn that I think will blend with the beautiful French lilac squares.


    • These are lovely. (I have a variegated yarn that has some of this colour and would blend with these! Thank you for the inspiration)

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