I am so excited!! Was able to post a couple of squares and a pullover on Monday.  What a great feeling to know that these squares, although only a few, will end up as a warm blanket around a small body.  And today I am already on square 5 again.  Would have loved to have more, but somehow things are a bit hectic with studies, work and family.  I wanted to spend time on knitting more pullovers, but luckily saw the request for more squares.  So that is what I will focus on.  The winter is very cold this year in South Africa.  And I'm sure it will continue like this for quite a few weeks still.  So let's do what we can to get those blankets out.  Enjoy the day.



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  • well done Marlene, way to go!!!!!!!!!
    • Thanks Enid!! Will try and knit up a storm this weekend. Maybe I can send another batch next week already
  • Me again, Marlene - should have mentioned - to change the name of this discussion to your name - just hit the 'edit discussion' icon - make your chaange, hit 'save' and presto it's done.

    Also forgot to say - it is so fun to have someone from SA blogging. since you are "on the ground" there, we will look forward to your comments about weather etc and any other SA news you can pass along.

    You mentioned it was quite cold there right now - and as I watch some of the FIFA games, I notice some folks are quite bundled up. I am in Canada and we are have a heat wave right now - 42 degrees celcius with the humidity factor figured in....
    • You know, the weather in Cape Town and Stellenbosch can differ quite a bit since we are approx 50km apart. But it is cold. I see that some of the places in Gauteng and Orange Free State easily reach -3 degrees these days. Some places even goes lower. We are expecting very cold weather over the country again this coming week-end. I'm looking forward to our summer this year. I am not really a "winter" person.
  • Hi Marlene - so glad to see you are blogging in the Members Personal blogs You can keep this blog going each time you want to add some news - just post your new message in the 'repy to this' square right under the intro and it will keep your postings in chronological order.

    If I could make one small suggestion - could you re-name your blog to Marlelne Mahokoto's blog? that way when members check out the category Member's Personal blogs - they will be able to find you easily!!

    So glad you have joined us - looking forward to many more blog entries from you
    • Hi Anne, I hope I have done the change correctly. First-time blogger - but it is great fun!!
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