The "Flat top" hair style was a 'hair cap' but using two different yarn weights. For the sides and bottom of this wig I switched to a sock weight yarn. Sideburns are pesky but I suggest embroidery stitching if you are good at it.
The hair cap for Carlos Santana was easy because he is bald on top. I used the bottom rows of a 'hair cap' basic pattern. And for his curly pony tail I looped Lion Brand Homespun yarn. Done. Let me know if you have questions. I can search for answers.
The hair with a side part is a basic pattern for a 'hair cap' but modified. The top of the cap is worked in the round. After a few rounds stop, turn and continue working but now working in rows. When it is stitched to the doll head there should be an indentation to represent a side part. Of course you will need to stitch these 'part' edges to the head.
Please let me know if you have questions. I can search for answers.
Anne pointed me to this discussion and I'm so glad she did so I can enjoy all of your toys focus tips and patterns. But before I lose my train of thought, here's how I managed to apply hair to my Native American doll.
I decide on the hairline (front, sides and back), and weave a running stitch in color yarn that will be easily removed when completed. I find this useful even if I am using a basic pattern for a 'hair cap'. The hair of the Native American doll are attached directly to the doll's head stitches.
I used a steel hook for attaching strands of hair because I found it glides through the head stitches easily. Measure and cut yarn strands. A credit card length and width was what I used for this doll. I attached them as if they were fringe.
Starting at an imaginary hair part, top of the head to front, attach fringe strands in a line. After that line is complete, just lift and lay it over the still bald part of the head. The back you can work in rounds instead of lines. Just follow the stitch pattern.
Note: Hair fills up LOTS of space so do NOT tighten looped fringe and you can still easily remove too much yarn hair.
Please let me know if there are questions. I can look up answers. ;-)
Anne Powell > Deborah Anderson FlemingNovember 18, 2016 at 6:02am
Thanks for sharing, Deborah. I made one of the Uthando dolls which you will find in this discussion, but I was not happy with the hair. Next time, I will try your technique
Awwwwww, she's so sweet! I can imagine the children having a blast with her and it's a great stashbuster, using up different colors of wool for the dress/skirt!
The "Flat top" hair style was a 'hair cap' but using two different yarn weights. For the sides and bottom of this wig I switched to a sock weight yarn. Sideburns are pesky but I suggest embroidery stitching if you are good at it.
The hair cap for Carlos Santana was easy because he is bald on top. I used the bottom rows of a 'hair cap' basic pattern. And for his curly pony tail I looped Lion Brand Homespun yarn. Done.
Let me know if you have questions. I can search for answers.
The hair with a side part is a basic pattern for a 'hair cap' but modified. The top of the cap is worked in the round. After a few rounds stop, turn and continue working but now working in rows. When it is stitched to the doll head there should be an indentation to represent a side part. Of course you will need to stitch these 'part' edges to the head.
Anne pointed me to this discussion and I'm so glad she did so I can enjoy all of your toys focus tips and patterns. But before I lose my train of thought, here's how I managed to apply hair to my Native American doll.
I decide on the hairline (front, sides and back), and weave a running stitch in color yarn that will be easily removed when completed. I find this useful even if I am using a basic pattern for a 'hair cap'. The hair of the Native American doll are attached directly to the doll's head stitches.
I used a steel hook for attaching strands of hair because I found it glides through the head stitches easily. Measure and cut yarn strands. A credit card length and width was what I used for this doll. I attached them as if they were fringe.
Note: Hair fills up LOTS of space so do NOT tighten looped fringe and you can still easily remove too much yarn hair.
Please let me know if there are questions. I can look up answers. ;-)
Thanks for sharing, Deborah. I made one of the Uthando dolls which you will find in this discussion, but I was not happy with the hair. Next time, I will try your technique
Doll Puppet
Thanks for posting these puppet patterns, Kathleen! they are very cute.
Thank you both! I keep meaning to have a go at these myself as they don't look too hard!
Awwwwww, she's so sweet! I can imagine the children having a blast with her and it's a great stashbuster, using up different colors of wool for the dress/skirt!
Second page of the lion puppet!