Hi dearest KASers...
Hope you have all been managing to see some of our pics on the Flickr/Twitter pages? For those of you who haven't, here are some recent pics for you to have a look at.
We have been MEGA-busy recently, trying to get through the inevitable backlog that happens when Ronda or I go away for a period of time. It's been wonderful though and we have LOVED receiving so many beautiful goodies from you all.
We have had some really special distributions recently which Sandy will tell you all about in the next e-zine. We are all really happy that the cold weather has passed but, unfortunately, Joburg's summer season brings it's own challenges with fairly regular BUCKETING rainstorms! For some strange reason, Soweto seems to bear the brunt of many of these storms and the residents have to endure a fair amount of flooding and gushing water through the squatter camps etc. Not to mention the fact that many of their 'shacks' get literally washed away when they are erected on sloping ground or near to a river or water source. We had a distribution the other day where we were able to hand out a few of the rain ponchos that you have sent... The timing was perfect as, on that particular day, there was one of those abovementioned storms going on for pretty much all the time we were there! As always though our little recipients keep their chins up, despite their circumstances, and manage to lift OUR spirits without fail... Precious little angels! So please keep on knitting, crocheting and sending the special gifts you always amaze us with. I really hope one day to be able to show some of you, personally, what a difference you are making to our little 'forgotten citizens'... As always, THANK YOU!
Just to update you a bit on the family 'goings-on'... Sian, my older sister (Ronda's eldest daughter, and Sandy and families neice (Zanny) cousin (Sandy) and 1st cousin once removed (Kalai and Cress) (WHEW!!), gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Lila Gioia. She is number three, Luca is 3 and a half and Gemma is 22 months and we all think Sian is VERY brave (and blessed, of course) to have 3 littlies under the age of FOUR!!! I was lucky enough to have been invited (as her doula) to witness Lila's birth which was SO special and an enormous privilege. Ronda spent a few weeks in Cape Town with Sian and her family too to help get everyone settled and keep the older two angels vaguely occupied... We are all over the moon!! Welcome precious little Lila...
Another little bundle made it's appearance this past weekend. Baby boy, Cael James Knight Timberlake - brand new son of one of our very special volunteers, Tracey Timberlake - was born on 20 November 2010 at 14:45, weighing an impressive 3.84kg. Congratulations to Andrew, Tracey, Amie and Jess. We look forward to seeing some pics when Tracey has had some time to settle in...
We wish you all a wonderful, preaceful and safe festive season. For those of you travelling, please do so carefully! May you all be blessed...
thanks for the updates and the photos - i'm having a hard time getting motivated to get back up to knitting speed, but seeing whats going on helps keep me focused on whats important.
PS - im thinking of starting my doula training soon too.
Great pics, and I think the second one has some of my squares.
best wishes to all
1) Are you using the barcode system for registering the contents of the packages now? If yes, could you give us the link to that? I can't find it anymore.
2) I have been wrapping my packages in those lovely shopping bags and then brown paper lately (instead of using bubble-lined envelopes, which aren't recyclable) Is that an ok idea? I was thinking that the shoppers could be gifted to gogos, etc....
Yes, we are using the barcode system now if you are keen to use it. I will ask Sandy to confirm where you can find it.
Yes, please - wrapping your packages in the shopping bag and then brown paper is a wonderful idea. We recycle (as far as possible) all the packaging so the more easily recyclable it is, the better! And the shopping bags are wonderful to give to the gogos, teachers, volunteers etc. too. Thank you!
Thanks for the update Erin, a lot of members have been hoping to hear how things are with you guys and Ronda. We care about you all so much and are SO grateful you're giving us a way to make a difference. You've reminded me that your rainy season is on now so the rain ponchos are on my "seek and find" list again!
I took a break from squares for a while to make items for a benefit crafts fair at our church here which took place yesterday, but now I am going to get back to them. Also have about 12 soft toys to send off soon, hopefully they'll make it by Christmas!