In June we visited a small Day Centre in Finetown – the Good Hope Day Care Centre and found it easily with the large sign outside!
It was unusually warm (almost stuffy and airless) inside the corrugated iron shelter that day although there was a distinct chill in the air outside. We bundled the group of children in their blankets and beanies and handed out the lovely toys you have sent us. We also gave the principal warm tops for the children and asked her to kindly size them correctly for each of the children. It is not fair to subject these little ones to undressing in the cold and trying on of new tops while they shiver and shake, so we prefer to request that the teachers choose an appropriate top for each child to take home. It is amazingly difficult to differentiate between the boys and girls, too, and we do not wish to offend by getting things wrong!
Ronda and Wandi wrapping the children in love!
This group of three little girls were just delightful and loved smiling for the camera!
When we arrived, there was a group of children fast asleep on the bed which was pushed up against the side of the shack. It absolutely amazes me that these children will just sleep peacefully anywhere they feel safe and that no amount of noise and excitement around them wakes them up. We did not put the blankets over the children because it was warm indoors, but made sure to place a blanket next to each child as a surprise for them when they woke up.
Lovely colourful blankets for these sleeping children to discover.
One idea we thought very clever was the attachment of old, flattened cardboard boxes to the corrugated iron walls, which serves two purposes … not only insulation against the cold (and perhaps heat in summer ?) but also as a “colouring-in wall.” It constantly amazes us to see how these ladies “make do” with what is to hand, and how they think on their feet on behalf of their little charges. They achieve so much on a spirit of gratitude, alone – what an example!
Look at the scribble wall in the background.
At each distribution we try to spend some time with the children. It is fascinating just watching them and what it is that draws their attention. Here are three photos all expressing such different emotions.
From left to right: this little boy was fascinated by the box of food we brought along and digging through it kept him entertained for the duration of our stay; the principal had this tiny tot strapped to her back for most of the time we were there – she seemed rather overwhelmed and lastly, this little boy just stared and stared at his toy – one can only imagine what he was thinking.
Update on the postal strike in South Africa
I have very little to report. The strike is still on the go and we are not receiving any mail via the Post Office. The Union did put another offer on the table which is being considered, but for all intense purpose it would seem that the South African Post Office has gone bankrupt and that other solutions to our postal service delivery will need to be found. We continue with the operational support on the ground and are getting in piles of blankets each week which is wonderful. We are also using this lull in operational activity to promote KAS in South Africa and to put in motion some new initiatives we are looking at. We continue to pray for a speedy resolution to this situation. Thanks as always for your thoughts, prayers and ongoing support.
They received help from JAM Internationl!
What great news to hear that these little ones will have the benefit of JAM porridge! Are there other creches that KAS has distributed to that will be able to access it too?
Wonderful photos, but as usual, they make me want to ask questions! How many children (approximately) in this creche? How many caregivers? Do the parents have to pay to have the children there or does the creche receive any government support.?
It amazes me to think that they can do so much with so little. I see chairs in the photos, but do these children have playthings or any educational supplies?
It is great to see those happy smiles. thanks for keeping us in the loop.
Such a great report and so happy to hear JAM is involved too. The blankets look really lovely and bright and some nice patterned squares in there.
Oh dear about the postal issues !! We will have to see how it is resolved I can't imagine how much mail is banked up in SA at the moment.
What a wonderful report! So glad to hear of a place that is warm and lining the walls with flattened cardboard boxes makes a lot of sense to me. I recall my grandmother saying they used to "line" their coats with newspaper during hard times to stay warm. I wonder if other daycares are aware of this option and if it might help them warm the children? I love seeing those 3 little ones spark out on the bed. They clearly feel safe there. Tremendous to see JAM getting involved. Power to them!
Yes, I'd read about the Post Office going bankrupt. I wonder if they will begin to let people go in and retrieve their parcels as things clog up, back up, mount up? No I suppose that would be chaos. I am still praying for a solution...perhaps hiring an international firm to run the mail delivery would be the answer?
Once again I can see that the children really do fit nearly adult sized hats...the one little boy barely fits his hat...the first one in the montage, where the lady is trying to put it on him. A great report, Pam, and thanks for the update! We always appreciate hearing what's going on.
Jeanne, I'm reminded of what my mum called the 'poor man's electric blanket', when I was little. There was no central heating then, the windows iced up in the night and we used to draw with our fingers in the frost in the mornings. There was thick newspaper between my mattress and the bed base, to keep me just that little bit warmer in the night. Memories eh?