Following a suggestion from Pam, I'm starting this blog to tell you a little about my recent experience here in my small corner of France.
My local newspaper published an article about Kas on May 7, International AIDS Orphans Day. The results have been very encouraging and I hope that something very concrete will happen (i.e. lots of squares).
1) Several ladies have contacted me to say that they're interested in knitting squares. I've sent doc. and patterns in French to them with instructions for finding the French section if they're computer-savvy. However, very often they are quite elderly and don't have a computer.
2) Several promised donations of yarn. I've already picked up some from one lady and will have to go back as she says she has much more but needs time to sort it out. And....I was surprised to get an e-mail from a lady in Paris (which is over 300 kms from us). She has sent me a big box of yarn. It's a bit like Christmas!! She also says that she has more if we need it. Another lady has also e-mailed me to say she's sending a parcel of yarn and squares. And yet another lady who has a yarn store in Limoges phoned to say that she has a big bag of yarn for me. I spent about 3 hours in her store a couple of weeks ago just talking about yarn and KAS. I did buy some yarn, but very little as she specialises in rather expensive brands....out of my normal price range I'm afraid.
3) I have contact with a retirement home. The activities organiser, Maryse Lhuissier, tells me that the ladies already knit squares, but don't know where to donate them. She, herself (a crocheter), has already made them into 2 blankets. They are very interested in knitting for KAS so I'm going to visit them with a selection of items to give them an idea of what we need. The activities organiser has recently told me that, following all the info I sent by mail, she's rounded up a big collection of soft toys. She's washed them and they'll be waiting for me when I visit.
4) I've been asked to present KAS at an exhibition and workshop during "La Semaine Bleue" which is the national week for the Aged, Retired and Handicapped. It's to be held in a local centre for the Aged....... etc. and would be for the opening day when they organise a big fête and walk plus one afternoon at the end of the week. The idea is to show people activities within their reach, and to bring attention to KAS among the visitors to the exhibition. This will be in October, but everything has to be organised by the end of June. We'll be able to sell our amigurumi to get money to cover postage costs. Last year 350 people attended the opening fête, so I'm hoping we'll cover a lot of parcel costs!! The organiser, Michelle Taillandier, has not only issued this invitation, but has sent out KAS info to all the retirement homes and centres for the handicapped in the area. She told me that she already has a little army of knitters making squares, tops and mittens. I, personally, have been asked to make 2 rabbits and 2 pigs for her and for the president of the association. Not only have they purchased the yarn for them, but are going to buy them. I feel as though I 've been through a cyclone after a meeting with them. They are both well over retirement age but have the energy of about 10 people half their age. They 'summon" me to meetings and have so many ideas that I'm still trying to organise things.
5) Last, but definitely not least, I sent my daughter, Jennifer, a copy of the paper and she immediately posted it on her Facebook page with contact info (and a big heading saying that she was proud of her "Mommy"). It made me feel all weepy.
I'll let you know if there are any other positive results.
October....and CODERPA's "Semaine Bleue" once more. I was invited to participate last year for the first time , and the experience was not totally positive. I received lots of squares from the local retirement homes and was very moved by the ladies who had knitted the squares. They said that they were grateful to have something useful to do. However, apart from this, the events were rather badly organised and the welcome at the Guéret home on the final presentation day was very bad. It was not at all welcoming. I vowed that I wouldn't participate again.
SO......when the president and secretary of CODERPA asked me to participate this year I said????? YES! I'm not masochistic, but I couldn't refuse. They are lovely ladies and they have really tried hard to make Knit-A-Square known.
The homes are medically assisted and cater for elderly people who are unable to cope on their own. A large number of the residents are physically or mentally handicapped and there are a certain number o Alzheimer patients among them.
I had a stand on the first day of the "Semaine Bleue". I didn't make a lot of "postage" money, but had a good time.
Yesterday, I was invited for the presentation of the squares that had been made over the last year. Secretary Michelle Taillandier told me that there hadn't been a great amount of activity and there were about 400 squares.
The home that hosted the event yesterday specializes in the treatment of Alzheimer patients. The welcome was wonderful, warm and kind. Patients and carers alike smiled and seemed to be enjoying themselves All kinds of activities had been arranged.
Instead of the 400 squares that I was expecting, I was presented with 1100 squares, 800 of which were absolutely perfect.
They came from various homes in the area, but also from a couple of clubs for senior citizens. I had a fabulous time. Hub was with me as I no longer drive. I told him to go and come back to pick me up after a couple of hours. He stayed and was a tremendous hit with the ladies there. He loves to joke and he made them laugh. He really enjoyed the afternoon too.
These are all the squares on the 3 tables
These 2 ladies, Danièle Rodrigues on the left and Renée Theillard on the right, made all the squares on this table (400) and also 37 pairs of handwarmers. They are not residents of a home, but belong to a seniors' club. Danièle was a sheer delight. She didn't stop laughing all afternoon.
This photo is of the CODERPA organisers and some of the local invitees. From left to right are;Marie-Christine BUNLON- Vice President of the Creuse Departmental Council; Gisèle XAVIER- President of the Creuse CODERPA; Emily ROULAUD-Director of the Ajain EHPAD (medically assisted retirement home);a lovely lady (whose name I've forgotten...sorry) who helps CODERPA in Aubusson; Michelle TAILLANDIER- secretary of Creuse CODERPA; Pauline CAZIER-member of Gueret Town Council.
Part of the activities was a display of regional folk dancing by senior citizens.
Children from a local primary school were invited. They come to visit the residents every Thursday afternoon.
I'm so glad that I accepted this year's invitation. I had a wonderful time and made some very interesting contacts
What a wonderful report, Valerie! Good for you for accepting this year's invitation. I know what you mean when you say, "How could I refuse". There is, after all, that one possibility! And it paid off. Your photos are great and it really does look like a lovely time. Thank you for sharing this with us! xo
Valerie this is fabulous and what a lot of squares you received ! An awesome contribution but a lot of work for you not to mention the postage !! I haven't calculated but it represents a lot of warm blankets for the children. I am glad it turned out to be a good time for you, it really looks as if it was a fun time and for hubby as well!
I had another fundraiser on Sunday. In French it's called "Les Puces des Couturières3, which means The Dressmakers Flea Market. This is the third year of existence and is destined for amateur crafters to sell off unwanted or extraneous material, yarn, patterns etc. This is the first time I have participated. I didn't make a fortune, but there's enough for another 5kg parcel.
Today a lady, Mme Mireille Legros, called to say that she had 35 squares for me and 4 cuddles. She came over this afternoon to drop them off. I gave her a lot of surplus yarn that I have and she assures me that she'll be knitting up a storm this Winter.. Everything she's done is beautiful. I'll post photos later. She also kindly gave me a donation towards postal costs.
What great news, Valerie! And thank you to Mme Mireille Legros :) xo
That's great Valerie and thank you to Mme Mireille Legros for her generosity and thoughtfulness.
Btw Valerie I was reading about your retirement. I retired this year after working till I was 66 and a half, partly for financial reasons but also because I thought work was "good for me". Well I have to say that retirement is what is good for me ! I loooove my retirement to bits. KAS is a wonderful project to have. I have not had a stall yet but I feel an itch coming on to try it out.
When I added my latest news just now, I forgot one really essential piece of information.
My Dutch friend, Renée, was always so good in selling me things at such very low prices. The ultimate in kindness and generosity came when she went and found a case of children's clothes and kept pulling out items which she GAVE to me!
There are underpants, vests, tights, t-shirts, slippers and dolls and a lovely cardigan.
The pink shoes are real leather and just darling!
She also had 2 extremely large cushion covers with the alphabet on them. Needless to say, I bought them. I don't know what could be done with them. Maybe they could be made into a wall hanging for a creche.
Thank you so much for this update, Valerie! It really sounds like you had a fabulous vacation. What a delightful pile of goodies you found. Renee sounds like a real treasure.
I agree that the cushion covers would make a great learning tool for a creche. Good for you! xo
I love reading all your news Valerie. What a hoard ! It is such a shame hat people don't pay attention to finishing off their squares as part of their gift to KAS. It makes such a lot of work and I guess you would be rather knitting as well You put such a lot of work into KAS. Your stall for instance. At least two of those parcels went off with the pesky postage paid for !