Hello all, has anyone seen the article in the Fall edition of Vogue Knitting America? If so would you let me know. I have noticed an increased volume of traffic so I hope it is because of the article. Look forward to seeing it. Sandy

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  • I think Vogue might sell a few more copies this month. I just picked it up and paid, and waited to read the article later. I was a little disappointed that it was just a mention, but even a mention helps spread the word. Eventually you'll get an in-depth article with pictures and more. I'm still glad i bought the magazine.
  • Yay! Two UK magazines, I'll possibly need the UK ladies and/or men to help me out by scanning the articles or sending the mags to me when they're printed. That would be extremely wonderful of you! Knit Today is printing an article in their mag, issue 38 on Sept 8th.

    The other magazine is Simply Knitting but I'm not sure of the date yet. I shall find that out and let you all know.

    Thanks everyone x x x
  • My Darling Husband went out and bought a copy !
    If you would like I will be happy to send it to you
    Can get it in the post first thing in the AM
    In the meantime , I think my scanner is still in working condition , now the question remains am I ? LOL
    Where should I email it to??
    • Oh and Karen if you're still prepared to post it that would be even better! If you don't mind the best address to send it to is

      Rear 144 Upper Heidelberg Road
      Ivanhoe 3079

      Thank you Karen you are brilliant!
      • Ok ,
        LOL !
        Of course when I need it my scanner goes toes up !
        No worries though, I used hubbies and hopefully it is not Ginormous or anything LOL !!!!
        I emailed to Kalai..... hopefully!!
        And the magazine is addressed and ready to go !!

        Keeping my fingers crossed here ; )
        • Champion Karen!! Thank you so much x x x
    • Hi Karen, excellent. Would you email it to me please? kalai@knit-a-square.com. That would be wonderful! Thanks Karen, you're a star x x x
    • Oh bless you Karen and Gelareh, so kind of both of you. We are ALL in the press isn't it exciting. Kalai has just got us into two British knitting mags as well, so the word is spreading. Karen thank your husband for me, he is a darling for doing that!
  • Hi Sandy I will buy it and scan it for you.
    • Thanks Gelareh. You're very kind but Karen already has it so there's no need for you to buy it unless you want it! Thanks again for your help x x x
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