Thanks to Lesley, Kevin, Caleb and Ethan Miller - our much valued USA volunteer family!
Caleb suggested this project 5 months ago, and has been working on it ever since. The delivery of much needed shelving WAS ABOUT to be made to the offices, when the idea had to be shelved! [Ronda begs forgiveness over the pun....]
However, all was not lost, and the shelves, which completely dismantle and re-assemble were brought to Ronda and Peter's garage yesterday! [Sunday 12th]
Here is a photographic sequence of events!
Caleb helps load the KasVan
Caleb and Dad Kevin start carrying the shelves into the garage for assembling
The assembling is underway!
The shelves are slotted in and up she goes!
Trimming the backboard ends!
Getting the shelves into position behind one of the garage doors with help from Peter - Ronda only has one vehicle now, the KasVan, and she is too big to go into the garage!
A delighted Ronda with Caleb!
And it is very quickly stacked with parcels!
The heavy red and blue plastic containers fit exactly into the compartments - which is how we first envisaged using the shelves!
Currently the other containers are 'in storage' at one of the our team members house, but we will get them back and use them as planned in due course.
The second set is assembled and ready for use!
Me and our benefactor Caleb!
Ronda signed Caleb's project 'off' formally, but we want to make him a certificate for his own records.
Ronda remark, "People are SO amazingly kind to Knit-a-Square - it is hard to wipe the smile off my face, I must say, God is Good!
What a wonderful gift to you Rhonda after all that has happened to you I am soo glad to see you have a smile on your face thanks to Caleb Ethan and Lesley.. we all thank you for helping "our Rhonda" through those tough times.. when God shuts one day He opens another , in this case your garage Rhonda and my word the shelves look great... I bless the day I found KAS and was able to use my knitting skills to help others and to have you over there on the coal front so to speak delivering our work and bringing hope is just to amazing and wonderful for mere words.. love to you all....
How wonderful! It does seem as if only wonderful folks are sent to KAS, doesn't it?! KAS is very blessed to have such wonderful folks from all around the globe helping it succeed in its mission! Thank you to Caleb, Lesley and Ethan!!
Well done to you all, what would we do without people like you.!
Brilliant - so much help in so many ways.
God, and Caleb and Ethan are helping us help God's children, bless them all! These are great shelving units and no doubt will help immensely! Thanks for the update...I do love hearing how kind and helpful people are to our dear Ronda.
Those shelves are fantastic! I love that they can be taken apart and re-assembled. What a clever lad, that Caleb is.
In reading this, I kept thinking, how can I get to one of those shelving units. Great work, Caleb, and all of the Miller family!
What a terrific group of people !! Every one of us who knits, crochets, stitches in any way, and mails a parcel to South Africa is incredibly lucky to have all of you at that end, working tirelessly (even through setbacks) to keep everything moving toward the intended recipients. Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!
Wonderful idea - Caleb, Ethan and Lesley - you are STARS!
Three (HUGE) cheers for Caleb and Ethan!!!! You guys are stars!!!!
Thank you Lesley, Caleb and Ethan for helping make Ronda's life easier. :))