
      • GORGEOUS blankets!!

  • A good mixture today - blankets from Sharon B, Alison G, Chris Chiplen, Heidi, Clear Lakes, Wandi, 9 from Croatia, Karen G, and Lorraine Y.


    • Terrific selection of colours + ideas amongst these.  Really lovely to spot work of others, and see my own which are 20 + 21. ⭐

    • A wonderful collection. So colourful.

    • I agree Sharon, it's always nice to see our blankets have arrived. Mine are blankets 6 & 7. Thanks for posting the photos Patricia.

    • It is always a thrill to see that my blankets have arrived safely in South Africa (first 4 blankets shown), but there are so many bright and pretty blankets here that it just makes me smile over and over again at all the gorgeous work that shows up in the Blanket Room.

      Thank you for taking and posting the pictures.

  • More blankets from the Rockville Gogo Group.


  • Thanks for posting these Patricia. No 4 from the top are all my squares. I posted 35 squares from 3 different Monthly Squares and I see they are all in one blanket. I always feel like doing  a happy dance when I spot my squares.

    • I knew the appliques were yours, Pat, but I didn't realise the other squares were yours too. Let's hope we now see the blanket in a distribution photo.

      • YAY for you, Pat!! What a thrill !! Looks GREAT!!

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