KasCare finances - April to June 2014

Hi Everyone!

A full three months have passed since the last financial update, so here's the latest news! This one will be shorter than last times', because I won't be explaining each graph in as much detail. If you would like the more detailed explanations, take a look at our previous quarterly report here:


Just like last time, there are a few important caveats!

  • These results are not audited! We will be looking to do an audit on the full year's financials soon, but I know how important it is to get a good indication earlier rather than later.
  • These results and graphs are approximations. They're drawn from real numbers, but there are things I haven't fully accounted for in the graphs; things like fluctuating exchange rates between different countries. As such, I haven't shown specific numbers, just rough percentages.

  • This information is taken from the KAS Shop, the KasCare Paypal account, and the KasCare bank statements. If you have made a direct donation to any of the KasCare affiliated projects (like KAS SA or the JBay recycling project) without using an actual KasCare form, it will not be shown in these graphs.

Where did KasCare funding come from?

Over the past three months, we've averaged a little under $2000 US per month in income. This is a bit lower than we had in our first quarter, mostly because the first quarter included the Sorting Space Appeal. Fortunately, some of last quarter's donations were in savings, which we were able to use to make up some of the gap.

Once again, you can see how vital recurring donations are to our success. Over half of the people who have recurring donations, donated just $5 a month! It really does show how much of an impact you can have with a fairly small amount of money paid regularly. Thank you so much to all of you who have made a recurring donation, or made a regular donation, or bought something from the shop.

Where did KasCare funding go?

The simple answer is, South Africa!

Which causes spoke most to us?

The following graph shows the number of sales for each of our shop items (rather than the amount of money those items brought us).

Two of the most engaging options this quarter were new introductions, helping to kick-start two gogo focused initiatives: the Blanket Support payments, and the Sewing Kit. Both of these projects focus on enabling older women in the community, the same women who help us in sewing blankets, to have some more independence. It's very heartening to see just how much this initiative has spoken to everyone here.

It's very clear from this too, that the opportunity to contribute smaller amounts to meaningful projects is something which really matters to us. Especially when those projects have the potential to directly influence the lives of people on the ground in South Africa. We'll be keeping this in mind over the next few months, as we consider other things which may have a place in the shop!

In closing...

Thank you again to everyone for your ongoing support of KAS. Everyone, whether you are able to support us financially, as a crafter, or even by word of mouth, is an invaluable part of the community.

If you have any questions about anything in this report, or any feedback about what you would like to see in future, please let me know in the comments or send me a message through the forum.

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  • Hi Erica, will you be posting the quarterly financial reports from June 2014 to the present date?
    • Due to the demands of her job Louise - Erica has to travel to China regularly - she has had to give up her role on the KasCare Board. A new KasCare Board is being developed and, hopefully, we will hear from them soon. 

      • Thanks for answering my query Pam. Hopefully a new Board will be developed soon, I know these things don't happen overnight!
        • For clarity KasCare is the original board in Australia founded by Sandy McDonald.

          South African now has its own Board - and Ronda will report for them.

          • Okay so when we go to the KAS store the funds go to Australia and then to South Africa?  Yeah fuzzy minded me is a tad confused here. :)

            • This may change soon, and, only items such as Teachers Guide, Heritage Patterns may go to KasCare. Discussions are taking place.

  • I admire so much the work of KAS and the way you keep us informed on your activities.  Another  great report, with the pie charts making it so easy to understand your finances.

    • Thank you Erica it is very clear and interesting as well to see where we have been shopping !

  • I appreciate coming back here to refresh my memory of everything....these pie charts are SO helpful.  Should we put 1 or 2 in the photos area so more people see them and link it to here?  Just wondering.  They're so useful for me. :)

    I find everytime I come here I end up going over to the KAS shop to make another purchase! :D

    • Hi Jeanne!

      I know Pam put one of these up in the photos a couple of days ago when it was first published, do you think another would be useful?

      (And 'Yay!' for visiting the shop!) :D

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