Dear Kas Community
As we in Australia head into the final stretch of 2012, with just a few hours to go, we want to wish you all a wonderful celebration as you move towards the New Year.
We wish health and wellbeing for you and all all your family and a sense of ease and comfort for any of you who have had troubles in 2012.
We wish too that in 2013, with renewed energy and vigour we can one square at a time, even one stitch at a time, make a difference in the lives of others, particularly the children who you care about so much.
Here is to a great deal of fun and spirit of community and energy in 2013 here in the forum and many more warm children as a result.
We take this opportunity to thank Pam Antink, our forum administrator and the wonderful moderators who have been so diligent in looking after the challenges and keeping the forum ticking over so that it remains safe and warm environment in which we can congregate.
Happy New Year to you all. Stay safe, with love Sandy, Ronda and Kalai.
Dearest friends,
I have been out of touch because I've been without wifi (still am, today I'm 'borrowing'). We did move into our country house but for the time being things are very rustic. We have some work to do but hopefully by the spring we will be settled in comfortably.
Blessings to all of you and I look forward to sharing our KAS work with you in 2013!
Hope you all had a wonderful celebration, especially you Anne if you started OZ time!! :) Back to work now, what a year it is going to be. Everyone seems imbued with a great spirit of optimism which is exciting.
Let's send great positive vibes to 2013, and let it be a wonderful year!
Yes Mary, this year has the potential to be our best yet....starting with the exciting January Challenge led by the very experienced (at leading Linda. :o)
Optimism, is the best way forward Sandy!
Think we are all here now, on day 1 of 2013!
I hope everybody is enjoying the first day of the new year. We had enough water to take a proper shower since the holiday season started and it is quiet and peaceful, because all the holiday makers are still in bed and nursing their hang-overs ;)
Yes, it is rather quiet here too! Glad you've managed to clean up Gitta - at last! Wish you and all the JBay community a Happy 2013!
Thanks Sandy, Ronda and Kalai.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year !
Just saw the fireworks in Sydney on our news - 'tis a sad thing to be in a hemisphere that is so far behind (8:30 a.m. here).
However, we ARE right side up!