Sunshine, flowers and all things yellow for Spring,
Mellow yellow and autumnal gold for Fall...
Wherever you are in the world,
the May Challenge is for you!
It is hard to follow the fabulous colour collision month but, hopefully, some of you have some left-over neon yellows to put into this challenge. Yellow always stands out in blankets and the children will be going into a chilly winter as we prepare for this challenge. Remind them of the warm days with golden squares, smiley suns and yellow flowers. For those of us in the southern hemisphere going into winter, we have autumn leaves for inspiration, which have a beauty all of their own.
Please remember to post your photos here as well as in the photos section, and let's go golden!
Here is the link:
Here is the link to the Pinterest page:
I know it's June, but I'm told our challenges never really end so I'm posting these here now. Guess I should remind you that my camera doesn't always tell the truth :( These all have some shade of yellow in them.
Just playing with Tunisian and color :)
This one is from a pattern that Sharon B found for us. It's Tunisian Crochet done in diagonal.
Bev, I was thinking of you one day and "Log Cabin" came to mind ... LOL Here is my version of aTunisian Crochet Log Cabin :))
The left square really is a bright yellow with bright red tulips. Very overcast AND misty here this morning, so its an indoor pic. Just realised right (sun) square is a little crumpled, its been squished in my knitting bag.....that will teach me to take a pic without my glasses
Thank you Sue and Debbie for a GREAT challenge....teamwork at its best. :))
A mellow yellow square, a bit late. I really did finish it yesterday, but didn't have time to take and post the photo. It looks white, but is really a very pale straw colour.
I join with everyone else to thank you for a lovely, bright challenge. We've certainly been spoiled this year with the great challenges.
Thank you Susan and Debbie, for a wonderful and fun challenge!
One final mellow yellow for May! Fluffy sunshine :)
And sending a big Thank You to Sue and Debbie for inspiring us with a great challenge. All the bright and cheerful squares from this challenge will make wonderful blankets and bring a bit of sunshine to the lives of the children.
Thank You everyone.
My last three mellow yellow squares for this month's challenge.
Here is 6 Yellow Mellow's......better late than never....Have been busy this month with other things.......