Edited by Gloria Grandy 



Swansea - United Kingdom


Since joining our Forum in August of 2012, this lovely husband and wife team has been sharing their time, their talent, and their love for the children in South Africa.

Joan says, "We first became interested in the children on a visit to S.A. in 2003 when we were taken on a visit to a nursery where John thought he would be seeing lots of plants and flowers.  Wrong!  It was a children’s nursery.  The kids were looked after while their mothers were taught to sew and knit.  This was a charity which we support.  We never forgot the experience, and when we were introduced to Knit a Square it was something we had to do.  Now we both love making a difference."


John weaves the most beautiful squares to add pizzazz to the children's blankets.

Joan tells us, "John was talked into making squares when we met Pam J and Elaine at Wonder Wool Wales. They tried to persuade him to do some knitting.  He refused, but mentioned that he would like to do weaving.   I sent away for a loom and he looked at it for a couple of weeks then he had a go on a wet afternoon. Since then I can't get him off the thing.

She adds, "Only problem is he is quicker than I am with my knitting."

That's okay, Joan.  It's not important how fast we work ... only that we do.  And together, you two are working to make a difference in the lives of these precious children with your generous contributions to KAS!

Many of their packages contain extra goodies meant to warm the children and brighten their world.  Here, Joan spots one of her hats on a child.  How special is that!

A huge

Thank You

John and Joan!

Your continued support of KAS and your obvious desire to contribute to the well-being of the children is a tremendous blessing.

You truly are a special couple!

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  • Congratulations and thank you for all your great work. I will go off now and see if I can see a photo of John weaving on his loom.

    • Thank you for our award and thank you to everyone who has left a comment

      Best wishes and regards

      Joan and John

  • Congratulations John & Joan on receiving this award. It is so rewarding to know that all the youngsters are cosy & warm from the work done by KAS members:)

  • Congratulations :) This is a well-deserved award :) John and Joan and their grand-children also support the Jbay Recycling Project. We received a parcel with the beautiful woven squares, wrist warmers and loom bracelets on Monday. Thank you so much <3

  • Congratulations Joan and Joan, very well deserved.  It seems so long ago that Elaine and I met up with you - but what a thrill to read that our 'badgering' got John into weaving.  How heart warming that is - I hope John, that you are an inspiration to other menfolk who may see knitting as too womanly but might give weaving a go.  It is always to read about teamwork and Elaine and I well remember what a special couple you were.  All good wishes.  Pam J x

  • Joan and John, you're a gorgeous couple, doing gorgeous work, for gorgeous kids. Good on you!

    • I have only just read the square heart award for April... congratulations John and Joan... what a wonderful idea to work together for KAS.. I have got as far as my husband sharing the postage but no actual production as yet!!

  • Congratulations on the award to both of you loving, industrious helpers!!!!  KAS is so lucky to have you!!

  • Fantastic work, John and Joan - congratulations on getting this award! We really appreciate all that you do for KAS in so many ways - many thanks!

  • Congratulations to a wonderful team!   Beautiful work from both of you.

    I haven't been able to talk my husband into knitting or crocheting, but when I told him about John's woven squares, he said he might give that a try.   Well, maybe when he retires.   Still, there is inspiration and hope!

    Thank you both for all you do.

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