
  • Wow, Erna!

    I'm new-ish, too, having joined KAS a couple of months ago. I just inventoried my squares and I've only completed 19 in two months! You've done TWENTY in two WEEKS? That's absolutely marvelous! You're an inspiration!
    • Remember though, that we all have times when we can work a lot for KAS and other times when we barely get a stitch in per week. That's normal and okay. (so don't feel guilty if, like me, you've just had a sparse week or month KAS-wise) Even one square a month is WONDERFUL for the kids in South Africa. Those Aids Orphans feel so loved wrapped in these lovingly made squares. Bless you all for your efforts! :D
  • Impressive! I think you will reach 50 squares in no time.
  • Excellent Erna, 20 squares in 2 weeks, what a wonderful beginning.
  • Well done Erna, fabulous!!
  • nice to have you here, Erna. would be great if you posted pics of the squares
  • 20 Squares already? Bravo Erna! That's awesome. Yes, I agree, it's so very heartening that everyone is keeping up doing the squares, so if one of us has a slower period others don't and vica versa.
    Jeanne :)
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