Hi Everyone.
It's that time of year when we start thinking about themes for the following year. We would love it if you would share any suggestions or preferences with us.
You may have something 'new' you'd like to try.....or a favourite from years past. We attempt to incorporate as many ideas as is possible.
Here are some links to past theme discussions that may inspire or remind you......
I hope I will be able to host for a month. I plan to be in a better place after the Christmas break - less pressure to get family knitting completed and more time to make squares and gloves and maybe even a hat or two.......
Put me down for hosting for a month.
I will always root for education themes and nature theme.
I truly believe the children are delighted with all blankets, the more colorful the better!
Like Gloria, I find it diffident to come up with something new, but you are talented it giving fresh inventive titles to the same themes to inspire us. This year's themes suited me very well with its emphasis on colour which suits my style eg. Go Bold, Two Colour Challenge, Colour Memories. . Some ideas: Four Seasons/Four Colours, Attack that Stash, Anything Goes. Pretty in Pink & Purple, Beautiful Blues, Vibrant Reds etc. I too would like to see Colour of the Month contnue.
2square1-1.webp Two tone squares
I finally worked out how to get to what you were showing us, Dawn...thank you. Sometimes I have more senior moments than I care to count. The squares were gorgeous. xo
Oh yes, surely that must be a popular choice.
Stripes......and zigzags :)
I like all the suggestions made :)) What about Favourites again, whether it be patterns or colours.
I agree. Always a good one, Chris.