Hi, in an effort to share infomation about shipping costs, I've compiled some info that includes some links to the information at the Post Office and also the cost of sending my first four packages to South Africa.
I found the shipping information at the USPS (United States Postal Service) - http://www.usps.com/International Mail Categories
The two that seem to apply for our purposes are (1) Priority Mail International - Flat-rate boxes and (2) First-Class Mail International - Large Envelopes (Flats) and Packages
This link goes to the info about the Priority Mail Flat Rate box rates -International Mail: flat box rates
For the medium size box (provided by the Post Office) $41.95
For the large sixe box (provided by the Post Office) $53.95
The prices reflect the recent rate hike. You can stuff the box FULL, but the maximum weight limit is 20 pounds. Both boxes are similar in size to the boxes that I normally use to send things via the First Class International rate.
Remember to package your squares in ZipLock or other plastic bags and squeeze as much air out as you can, also mark the outside of the boxes with NO COMMERCIAL VALUE and FOR CHARITY. The customs form should say $0 value (although my Post Office insists on entering a $1 value).
I've been keeping track of the things I've sent since I joined the K-A-S group on Ravelry.
All of these items were shipped via First Class International rate, from the US in boxes that I provided.
Box #, total weight, items shipped, total cost
#1 - 1 lb. +1 oz. (9 wool squares + some yarn) - cost $11.98
#2 - just under 2 lbs. (16 squares + 11 hats) - cost $16.99
#3 - 1 lb., 1.2 oz. (6 squares & 6 hats) - cost $11.98
#4 - 2 lbs. 6.7 oz.(12 squares + 6 youth-adult sized hats) - cost $20.33
I hope more people will add to this thread!
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I sent a box last week. It was $101.55 for 15 pounds, 1 ounce ($0.42/ounce). It included 114 squares, 11 hats, and my, uh, children may have dropped some other things in when I wasn't looking ;-).
From Miami, Florida: I just mailed 55 squares, 5lbs 11 oz, in an oversize box, priority mail, for $51.25. This box was bigger than the large international flat rate box that would have cost me $58.95.
Was so glad to see this as I was curious as to what it may cost. I just started this but already have a box full. The box is the size of a copy paper box. How many squares should I put in the plastic bag and how full should I make the box. I don't want it to be too heavy as it would cost a lot but what would your suggestion be. I am so excited about this because I am now retired and able to work on these squares in my free time. And what a wonderful organization this is. If someone could get back to me and help me with an answer, I would be grateful. My name is Phyllis and my email address is dominica1112@aol.com. Hope to hear from someone and thank you.
thanks for the info. Do hats for some reason take up less room in a box?? Or is it just what you sent. Any good tricks for getting all the air out of the bags??
I just wanted to say that the package I sent at after Christmas was the large box by priority mailing with the cost being $14.50 (U. S.) and she put the stamps on it (at no extra cost). These go internationally or locally. I squished, pulled and pushed and I got about 35-40 squares+ 1 hat in it. I only put the label, tape and information on the outside of the box and take it to the Post Office and away is goes. I don't think this is a bad deal at all. The lady at the P. Office knows exactly what I'm doing and has supplied me with the Post Office tape for the outside and the labels so I can have it ready before I take it to the Post Office. I have already purchased another box to get ready to get packed and shipped before too long. Just thought I'd let you know what it costs me in Virginia, U. S. A.
peggy Sack > Donna OvertonAugust 25, 2010 at 8:22am
can you still do this?? And was this to Africa or PP
Mailed two boxes today:
1. 60 squares, 4lb 11oz, for $53.75
2. 59 squares, 5lbs 9oz, for $58.50
I sent a box last week. It was $101.55 for 15 pounds, 1 ounce ($0.42/ounce). It included 114 squares, 11 hats, and my, uh, children may have dropped some other things in when I wasn't looking ;-).
The U.S. Post Office is cutting costs. I was in our Post Office last week and the postal clerk told me that all
tape has been taken out and the clerks will no longer supply tape of any kind to customers. If someone needs tape
to ready a box for mailing, the tape will have to be purchased in a roll from the post office. Cost is $3.95 a roll.
(And.........grump, grump.........my neighborhood post office is closing and I will have to drive further to mail packages.)
Here are my latest postage costs:
14 1/4" x 19" bubble mailer, 3 pounds 10 ounces: $28.68 ($0.49/ounce)
*1 cuddle
*5 hats
*11 squares
*5 soft toys
Box $56.10 to send 6 pounds, 14.4 ounces ($0.51/ounce)
*58 squares
*7 hats
(drop ins)
Box $80.95 to send 11 pounds, 9.8 ounces ($0.44/ounce)
*83 squares
*6 hats
*1 slipover
(Pencil sharpeners, small animals)