Here is the KAS SQUARE MEASURE for members to download - printed onto card (double-sided), or, paper placed back-to-back they make great hand-outs for spreading-the-word about Knit-a-Square. Cut to the size of an 8x8inch, or, 20x20cm.
Last week I was able to spend some time with my sister in one of our favourite places – Ngwenya Lodge which borders one of South Africa’s national treasures, the Kruger National Park. We soaked in the peace and quiet of the bush and enjoyed each oth
Just wanted to say that last summer I invited members of my family to make square for KAS. Over the summer we made 65 squares which I just mailed to South Africa. My granddaughters did pretty well, but my 96 year old mother made the most...55 8" sq
This week Knit-A-Square South Africa was thrilled to be able to facilitate the makeover of the Mmelisizwe Day Care Centre in Nancefield. This was made possible by generous funding received from 28 members of the United States KAS Forum as well as 6
Have you, or do you know of an instance of Accidental Goodness, or, acts of goodness that have had wonderful consequences and made a difference? Please feel free to share and add to this thread.
The TV and news media would have us believe that lif
You know the saying, there are only three certainties in life, birth, death and change? Well, there's a change afoot in KAS. A rebirth you could call it and it's ALL good!
The KasClan Did you know that you're one of more than 12,000 in our KasCla
These three wonderful ladies are friends and neighbors(they live in the same close, wink, wink!) from Loughborough, England. They have been sharing their fr
These two wonderful ladies from the USA, knit and crochet tirelessly for the children of South Africa. Their work embodies the quiet love and dedication
Recent weeks have seen some new faces at KAS on our Thursday opening days and we just love the enthusiasm and energy of new volunteers and contributors. It always amazes me how KAS attracts just the people that are needed for the different stages of
Here's where we can post examples of people spreading the word both of KAS and of the children we seek to help. In the last three days, these blog posts have come into my inbox through Google Alerts. It is so amazing to see how people promote KAS a
For the next two weeks, prior to the beginning of the next BIG SURPRISE CHALLENGE, we are giving you free reign to HAVE SOME FUN, while creating mucho squares!
BUT WAIT! Hold your hat! Or should I say; HOLD – THE – HATS!!
Okay, so I'm not only a yarnaholic butalso a KASaholic...beyond any hope of a cure. As an obsessional being, I tried to convert others to become as addicted as I am myself.
In October 2012, I was lucky enough to be granted a half-hour interview on a
As we look ahead to 2014, Ronda’s team and the Mod team have set some lofty goals…… so lofty in fact, that we are going to try to produce a stack of squares high enough to reach the top of Table Mountain in Capetown, South Africa!
I am sure that many of you wonder just what happens to your contributions when they arrive in South Africa so we thought to use today’s report to introduce some of our volunteers and guide you through a “Thursday in the life of KAS SA”.
Let us raise our hooks and needles to 2 creative women who turned the desire to provide warmth and comfort to Orphaned and Vulnerable Children into a reality: